[semi-open] computer programs + space lsd = ???

May 14, 2011 15:30

who ; the residents of Tronhaus
what ; TRIPPIN' BALLS also trip-sitting, depending on who you are
where ; Tronhaus
when ; Saturday the 14th
warning(s) ; ... computer programs tripping for the very first time?
after the jump~ )

gibson, kevin flynn, clu | (au), alan bradley, sam flynn, anon | (au), quorra, gem | (au), tron / rinzler | (au)

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[Open] fight4theusers May 14 2011, 23:33:20 UTC
[Tron is now sitting on the floor of the kitchen, a glass of water in his hand. He's staring at it very intently, as though it holds all the secrets of the User world within.]

It's so... beautiful...

[He dips his fingers in the water and draws them to his mouth, circuit lines on his armor flaring brighter.]


fight4theusers May 25 2011, 04:25:29 UTC
[Tron leans forward, his eyes wide. Carefully, he reaches out to poke her shoulder.] Are you real?


survivethesiren May 26 2011, 01:50:46 UTC
[Gem looks at him, quirking an eyebrow]

Tron, would you believe me if I told you I wasn't?


traceurmonitor May 15 2011, 01:11:30 UTC
[Keeping up with this house is like trying to herd bits. He had better luck herding Bostrumites, point in fact. But at least Tron is in one spot a-

... Sir.
Sir what are you doing?]



fight4theusers May 15 2011, 04:21:25 UTC
Anon...! [Tron's head lolls against the wall, as though it's too heavy to hold up.] Have you seen this yet? I found an energy source... so pure... it's amazing...


traceurmonitor May 15 2011, 04:28:09 UTC
[... what are you supposed to do when the person you identify as your commanding officer goes crazy?

Anon eases into a crouch - slow, since he'd heard Twosix say something to the effect of 'sudden things are bad' - and peers at the glass.]

... looks like tap water.


fight4theusers May 16 2011, 03:14:18 UTC
[He's not crazy, he's just tripping out. He'll be fine, don't worry. Eventually.]

No, no, it's... it's energy. [He swirls his fingers in it, eyes wide.] Never seen anything like it, even on the old Grid. Pure source...


traceurmonitor May 16 2011, 03:25:18 UTC
[This is going to be one of those hilarious stories we never talk about, isn't it?

Now, Anon is no schemer, really. He's a bad liar and plots aren't precisely his thing. But he's learned a thing or two in the last five hundred cycles... and since coming here. He can recognize when suggesting something might lead to a better course of action.]

Pure. Shown your User yet, sir?

[Because Alan seemed mostly normal, the last time he'd checked.]


the day the whole world went away; a_perfect_end May 15 2011, 05:12:28 UTC
[He'd gone into the kitchen to obtain a sample of the problematic water and immediately frozen in place.

He'd never tell the story the same way twice, after.

Truth was, Clu saw Tron sitting sprawled, easy and content, in a safe, bright, clean room, in a place where he belonged and deserved to be, without a care in the world.

Something harsh and tight and mean clenched in the vicinity of his chest. A bitter routine that pushed honeyed poison across his tongue.]

Well. [Sleek and familiar.] Wondered where you'd wandered off to, Tron.


fight4theusers May 15 2011, 05:21:32 UTC
[Tron looks up, a faint smile on his face... which freezes, then slowly fades as recognition sets in.]

You... y-you shouldn't be here. Not. Not now...!

[The glass of water slips from his fingers, falling to the floor and smashing into a hundred pieces, the sound a harsh bolt of light across his vision. Darkness begins to creep in, curling around the edges, distorting Clu's face into something out of a nightmare, the program standing above him suddenly seeming to loom taller, blocking out the light and energy until he filled everything. Tron falls to one side, the shattered glass digging into his armor as he threw one arm up in front of his face as though to block out the sight.]

You're not... you're not here! Go away!


a_perfect_end May 16 2011, 13:09:24 UTC
[The glass splinters on the tile, and on one level he knows full well that this is wrong, outside the limits of his function and certainly not within the protocols afforded even a guest, a stranger in this house.

But on another level, it's not like he poisoned the water. And he'd never have let Tron keep it, not when it's clearly affecting him adversely.

And. Somewhere deeper still, there's the dark, insidious pull of the realization that made Clu change the Arena safety settings: You are alone. No one is coming to help you. Get used to it.]

Yes, I am. I'm the one thing about this that's real. [He's pretty sure that shouldn't go straight to his head, swift and bright as a shot of blue, but it doesn't really matter. The results are the same.]

I'm not going anywhere, man. Close your eyes and I'll still be there. That's a promise.

[The word still makes him shiver.]


fight4theusers May 16 2011, 17:57:39 UTC
[Tron does just that, squeezing his eyes closed, but Clu's right, the images are still there, twisted beyond recognition, darkness and terror worming through his mind, making his processes race and sending him into a spiral downward. He can't find what's real anymore, and his eyes fly open, wide, scared, an expression rarely seen on Tron's face.]

Y-you can't... I won't let you...

[His hand fumbles for the discs at his back, clumsy with the dizzying effects of the drug, and he struggles into a crouch, holding the weapon in front of him. Clu's mocking voice surrounds him, holds him down like a physical thing, binds him in place until he can barely move, and everything is black and gold and promises of power...]

I won't let you! [His voice is bordering on a scream, edging toward hysteria. The terror is overwhelming him now, memories of rectification twisted into formless shapes and color and everything is Clu, blocking out his vision and sense with his very presence.]


a_perfect_end May 17 2011, 23:58:36 UTC
[Oh. Whatever that is, exactly--there were too many sessions, too much corrective work, for Clu to be sure of specifics without direct input from Tron himself--whatever he's experiencing can't be pleasant, and it must be pretty damned powerful.]

Let me? [An echo, too light, all oil and sunshine--radiant, poisonous.] Let me?

[He's not an idiot and he's not closing the gap with Tron, armed, in a roomful of cutlery and similar, lesser potential weapons. No way.

Words have always been his best weapon, anyway.]

I'm hurt, Tron. We were friends. We could still be. I think Flynn would like that.

[The truth is always uglier when he's done telling it.]


Sorry Clu, he's not terribly coherent anymore... fight4theusers May 18 2011, 07:31:02 UTC
[Clu, whatever you're thinking Tron's experiencing, it's guaranteed to be a hundred times more terrifying in his drug-twisted processes right now. What started out as a pleasant trip is now plunging into darkness and nightmare, flashes of the past mingling with the present, hallucination and reality distorting, and Tron can hardly focus on what Clu's even saying at the moment. All he knows is that the being program, creature, demon in front of him is dangerous and will hurt him, turn him into something not himself.

Even as that thought hits him he glances down, seeing his own limbs twisting, red-orange light bleeding from his circuits, flowing down his arms like liquid, digging into his armor, a physical presence, heat radiating off the tendrils of light as it wraps around him like tentacles.]

No... no no no stop it stop it stop it!

[He flings the discs at Clu, a wild throw that's almost guaranteed to miss, the weapon careening off the walls before crashing to a stop, buried in the wall next to the fridge. Tron scrambles backwards ( ... )


HIJACK y/n? popcorngifs May 26 2011, 03:27:31 UTC
Tron, are you still on the kitchen floor? I thought I asked you to-

[ Alan's waltz back into the kitchen was punctured by an identity disc narrowly missing him in favor of cutting through the wall between himself and the fridge. It's the first thing he notices, too shocked to look at anything but the rotating disc that inflicted on the wall a fate his neck almost suffered. Alan was not a man accustomed to near death experiences, it was enough to give him such pause that for a moment, he did not register the madness going on around him.

It wasn't until he was on the floor, at Tron's side, that his senses returned to him. Cautious not to get too close to Tron, seeing him more as a distressed animal under outside influence, he crouched down low at his side and looked up at the man with a face he recognized more readily than when it had twenty years etched into it. There wasn't any need to ask for his name. ]

Clu? What is this, what's going on? Tron, he-

...what did you do?


all of the y. ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED. a_perfect_end July 20 2011, 23:15:15 UTC
[The recovery window on this one was rapidly converging toward zero. Couldn't have said why he did it, but fortunately, that's not what Alan asked.]

Said hello. Offered to stay by him. [Forever and ever and ever.] Promised.

...That was a [Grade A dick move] mistake.


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