Black and white [open]

Feb 19, 2011 13:47

who ; Flynn [theuserabides] and YOU. (Open to anyone who's not going to start a physical fight.)
what ; Go and conversation. Seriously, Flynn will try to make friends with anybody.
where ; a public park someplace
when ; 2/19, idk sometime during the day clearly I put a lot of thought into this
warning(s) ; none, unless someone with a filthy mouth shows up then ( Read more... )

davesprite, kevin flynn, alec hardison, clu | (au), ed dillinger jr., t-800, legion, tron / rinzler | (au), {...}, joe, nepeta leijon

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Comments 210

seems_legit February 19 2011, 19:03:03 UTC
Another day, another walk around the park.

At least he had places to sleep now, but all this outdoor activity was getting on his last nerve. Between the sunshine and relatively fresh air, he was going to turn into some kind of mountain man. In space. Whatever.

Mountain men did not get chicks. Eliot didn't count.

But, unfortunately, there was little else to do. No one had blown anything up recently and provided him cover while he hacked the mainframe. He hadn't figured out how to make a new id. The thought of apologizing hadn't even occurred to him. So, walking through the park it was.

Hardison was messing with his wearable as he came around the bend and started past the chess setups. He knew they were there and had no interest in them. At least...until he caught something out of the corner of his eye and had the strangest thought. He actually stopped and did a double take.

Was that--?

"Jeff Bridges?"


theuserabides February 19 2011, 19:07:43 UTC
It wasn't the name so much as the mere presence of a human voice in the emptiness of the sprawling park that caused Flynn to look over at Hardison.

"Sorry, man. You've got me confused with someone else."


seems_legit February 19 2011, 19:17:38 UTC
Hardison just sort of stared at the man for a minute and let his hands drop down to his sides again. There was a moment where it looked like he was ready to say something, but gave up on the thought. Really, he just looked confused.

Yeah, that was the Big Lebowski himself.

"Uh," Hardison began after a very awkward moment. He almost managed to ask if he had been filming Star Trek.

Was Jeff Bridges ever on Star Trek? He was pretty sure he would have heard about that. Was he going to be the new villain? No, LeVar Burton wasn't in new Star Trek.

Wait. This was the guy who sniped his drop, right? Or...him from the 80's.

"This space station is grade A nuts," Hardison announced and ran a hand across his face. "So man, why ya gotta snipe a brother?"


theuserabides February 19 2011, 19:24:36 UTC
Flynn's command of slang stopped short in 1989, long before the invention of MMORPGs, so he just raised his eyebrows at Hardison. "If I knew what that was, I could tell you," he said, amused, and turned in his seat so he could face Hardison without craning his neck.


cohesions February 19 2011, 19:15:46 UTC
Legion had been spending more and more time simply wandering Sacrosanct's facilities in recent weeks, performing the geth equivalent of some seriously heavy thinking. Garden zones would have been ideal for the sort of peace and quiet it felt it required, but the geth were, at their base, a technologically motivated race. Residential zone parks offered the same atmosphere, while remaining close enough to several network access terminals that the geth didn't feel completely cut off.

Today it seemed that the terminal wasn't alone in this particular park. Organic male, apparently human, in the later stages of his life span, no visible weapons or armor. All 1,183 programs came to a quick consensus: this individual was not a direct threat. Curious, the terminal slowly wandered closer, optic focusing in on... what was that? Some sort of game? Unsure if it would be appropriate to interrupt, the terminal stood to the side and waited to be acknowledged.


d'awww legion is so cute (yes i am not right in the head) theuserabides February 19 2011, 19:19:30 UTC
Flynn looked up from the board and over at the...person? who was hovering, waiting for him to notice. It was the sort of behavior a program might show. The being certainly looked artificial.

Not that that sort of thing had the slightest impact on Flynn, except possibly to make him more kindly disposed. "Hey. What's up?"


hey, legion is totally legit cute cohesions February 19 2011, 19:25:00 UTC
Well, the male hadn't flipped out. At least the geth could now be certain that this human wasn't from their particular universe. The terminal shifted its weight slightly, a movement that might have been read as uncertainty if it hadn't been, y'know, a robot.

"We are observing," it croaked, then paused. Its faceplates twitched slightly, optic flicking to the side, then back. "Is our presence disruptive?"


theuserabides February 19 2011, 19:30:32 UTC
"Nah, you're fine. You know Go?" Flynn asked, gesturing at the board.

The thing reminded him a little of Anon. It was probably the lack of a face.


Who wants more cases of mistaken identity? originaljoe February 19 2011, 19:49:36 UTC
Joe was beginning to hate this place. It wasn't living in the barracks or the threat of Jack Noir. It was how quiet it all was.

In the end he'd started taking walks since he'd shown up in hopes to finding some place where there were more people and it wasn't so quiet. Imagine his surprise when he sees, at a distance, a man that looks like Doctor Light.

"Doc!" Joe yelled out as he rushed over toward Flynn, not realizing at first his mistake.


oh god i lol'ed (ps. father of death is on my flynn playlist) theuserabides February 19 2011, 19:55:11 UTC
Flynn did have a PhD, but no one had called him "Doc" since his friends had gotten over teasing him about how stupid academic regalia looked. Which was to say: a very long time.

He turned to look at the person running toward him, and waited. They could talk when it wouldn't involve shouting.


You are amazing then originaljoe February 19 2011, 19:59:10 UTC
Of course getting a view of Flynn made Joe slow down. They looked similar, but this wasn't the man he knew.

He stopped a few feet away from the old man and sighed. "Sorry there. Thought you were someone else." Joe was currently wearing his helmet, just in case. Although his accent and visible skin ruined any imitation of a robot.


it's genetic theuserabides February 19 2011, 20:09:51 UTC
"No harm done. Sorry I'm not your friend," he said with a smile. "I'm Kevin Flynn."


HAHA WHAT HIATUS. I POST FROM MY PHONE!!! idkmybffhanna February 19 2011, 19:55:53 UTC
He often wandered. It had, in a sense, become his modus operandi, this sort of meandering from place to place, flitting in and out of lives.

Parks were one of his favorite places. He was quite fond of the outdoors, and also of not being accosted by wayward dinosaurs. The parks allowed both.

It was unusual though to see anyone else. The station was so sparsely populated that he'd gone weeks before without encountering a soul.

He stood quietly for a few moments, just watching the game, unwilling to interrupt. Like the cranes, the image stirred something in him, but the memory eluded definition. He couldn't even recall the rules.

Still. It looked interesting, a mental exercise.


oh hi, person without a name who it's going to be awkward to refer to in narration :P theuserabides February 19 2011, 20:05:50 UTC
Flynn tapped one of the intersections on the grid, and his stone appeared, followed immediately by a white stone. "You could at least pretend you have to think about it," he complained to the air, but he sounded amused, and studied the new configuration of the board.

"...Oh, hey. What's up, man?" he asked the newcomer.


you can always call him {...} or zombie. or bob idk. idkmybffhanna February 20 2011, 02:59:38 UTC
He gave a slight half-smile at that reaction, and a shrug at the question.

"Just passing through."

He paused.

"Though I'm curious about the game."


it's okay. i was just teasing <3 theuserabides February 20 2011, 04:16:55 UTC
"Oh? You play?" Flynn cocked his head. So far he hadn't found an experienced opponent. Or at least, no one with a personality.


Did you call for someone with a filthy mouth? featheryasshole February 19 2011, 20:30:54 UTC
It had been a week and half since Jack Noir came to the station, and there had been no new mentions of people getting killed. It was fairly obvious that something was keeping the gamebreaking asshole from just blowing up the station, but what kept him from causing the usual death and destruction? Davesprite had decided to find out.

It didn't take him longer realize that it was pretty much impossible to find a space-warping demon on a fucking huge space station. He floated in the air feeling frustrated and stupid for a moment before descending to ground level in search of a teleporter.

He paused to watch the old man at the game board while passing by. He grinned a little upon noticing that white was winning. That, right there, was irony.


gdit now we'll never get a pg rating theuserabides February 19 2011, 20:48:49 UTC
White was the color of death in East Asia.

Flynn laid a stone, forcing Hypatia to play elsewhere on the board to avoid a ko, then looked over at...whatever Davesprite was supposed to be. "Hey, kid."

He seemed quite unconcerned about getting killed to death by any godmoding super-beings.


>:Dc featheryasshole February 19 2011, 21:05:18 UTC
In Sburb, white was the color of protection. White always lost.

Davesprite returned the greeting with a nod.

"Hey. Don't suppose you've seen a dude who looks like a black dog with wings teleporting around here?"

He wasn't expecting a yes, since Flynn probably wouldn't be alive if he'd encountered Jack recently, but there was no harm in asking. Maybe he could make sure the guy knew about the threat while he was at it.


you inconsiderate motherfucker! o9 theuserabides February 19 2011, 21:09:22 UTC
"No. Should I have?" Flynn asked. He had decided to just not be surprised by anything anyone said any more. It would save wear and tear on his sense of skepticism, he figured.


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