who ; Jun
chttrbox_recon and ALL OF YOU!
what ; Barbecue to help ease tensions and share glorious wonderful foods!
where ; Garden Zone 4, in an easily accessible and well-marked area so you can't miss it!
warning(s) ;
Jun's cooking, Jun not shutting up, and that's just to start!
Sometimes it tastes to bitter/I've got to make it sweeter )
Comments 99
So. Not. Her. Thing.
But whatever. This was Jun's weird outdoor day-party. Jun was awesome. More importantly, Jun thought she was awesome. How could this possibly not turn out to be the greatest thing ever?
"Heeeeeeeey, Jun! Nice... dress." Vriska peered at the strange stained garment doubtfully. Wow. Human fashion sure was weird. Still, best to be pleasant and friendly and all that crap! "Your weird human cooking better be as good as you promised! I'm starving."
"It's an apron, keeps all the splatter off my clothes. What do you trolls wear when you're cooking? And help yourself, I've got prettymuch something for everyone here!" Whether or not Vriska actually finds it edible is yet to be seen ...
And culinary differences. Vriska blinks at the strange-looking selection of food. So. Weird. "I, uh. You're going to have to help me out here. I don't recognise any of this stuff!"
"No problem!" He'll grab a plate and start loading it with stuff, including banana worm bread, Bar-b-cqued Moose, and Tuna Twinkie Souffle.
Or wind around Jun's ankles in complex figure eights while he was trying to cook.
"Hot doooooog, Hot dooooog, Hot dog! Hooooot dog!"
Bending down to scratch his cheek, and then hold out a bit of Tuna Twinkie Souffle. Cats liked fish, right?
But he'll back, Jun. Oh yes.
For hot dogs.
And sadly, a good old normal hot dog is absoultely nowhere on the menu.
She was practically skipping when she came alongside the grill and the ridiculously large man cooking on it.
"Hello! Hope I ain't late!"
"Not late at all; party's just gettin' started! I don't think I've met you yet ... ?" Plucking out the potato salad and making room for it on the table. "I'm Jun-A266."
"Nice ta meetcha," Kaylee added and offered a hand when she turned back around. She had to look way up at him, but it was okay. He seemed friendly enough.
Emile's idea of a compromise was to stick to the shadows around the edge of the party and patrol around, keeping his eyes and ears open for trouble.
But 'BBQ Patrol' does not save you from actually eating anything. Here's Jun coming up with a plate for you.
"Hey man, nice turnout, yeah?"
"Not bad. Long as they behave, anyway."
Chipper, cheery, almost as excited about this as he is at sniping.
Well, to be fair, Shepard had eaten pyjak jerky without flinching, she couldn't really judge about where people got their meat (so long as it wasn't someone she liked). Shepard shrugged but before she could answer, there was a cat on the table and it was talking to her.
It took her a minute to process that.
"How's the fish?"
It seemed to be the only sensible question and she leveled it at the officer with the apron.
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