The Diamond Job [OPEN]

Dec 19, 2010 00:11

who ; Parker and YOU
what ; Bro told her to go forth and find magical diamondy things. Parker is doing so.
where ; Uh. Everywhere. Plant your character somewhere and Parker will run into them (perhaps literally). Or feel free to have them run into her (literally or not, as you choose).
when ; Whenever.
warning(s) ; None! ETA: UNLESS your scary robot/dinosaur/undead monster/whatever attacks Parker! Which is totally allowed and encouraged.

She wasn't sure, exactly, what Bro meant by 'magical items,' mostly because she'd never seen a magical item. At least, not that she knew of. Not that anyone would admit to. (And she had a feeling the Box of Mystery didn't count.)

But she did know what diamonds looked like. And what things people were trying to pass off as diamonds looked like. She would find them, eventually. It would just take some time.

Sacrosanct was a big place, after all.

And there were lots of places to explore.

7 | (au), dug, cindy meltzer | (au), parker

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