We're the children of the summer, but the winter came so fast...

Dec 25, 2011 21:22

who ; Georgia Mason; OPEN
what ; Because things spattered with your own blood are the best Christmas gift.
where ; Outside George and Shaun's apartment in Doctorow
when ; Christmas day
warning(s); None yet; prose and action are both okay

and the choir sings hallelujah to a God that I do not observe )

georgia mason, steve rogers, buffy meissonier

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Comments 23

usavatar December 26 2011, 02:37:39 UTC
Steve is in uniform. Not his red, white, and blue, but an appropriately formal army uniform, badges of office and medals pinned neatly in place. He stops at a distance when he sees George, not sure he wants to get closer and risk a repeat of the week before.

But she's clearly not well and he can't just ignore that. He clasps his hands behind his back and calls out, "Miss Mason?"


feedislive December 26 2011, 02:59:01 UTC
She jerks a little at the sound of his voice, pushes her glasses up, and stares at him for a second before her brain clicks into gear and she figures out why he's standing so far away and looking at her like that.

"The street's clear," she says, her voice dull and emotionless. "Of mistletoe. So as long as you're clean, you don't have to stand all the way over there."


usavatar December 26 2011, 03:15:26 UTC
Steve comes over at once. He doesn't sit, doesn't crowd, but he does lean just a little sideways to try and get a better look at her face.

He noticed the destruction, certainly.

Very gently, with a neutrality that manages not to sound tired itself: "What is it?"


feedislive December 26 2011, 04:02:08 UTC
Georgia shrugs, and glances up at the hole in the apartment so she doesn't have to look at Steve.

"We got our van. For Christmas, I guess. There was a Christmas tree on top of it, at least." She swallows hard. "The station AI is a real bitch, you know that?"


notthatbuffy December 26 2011, 03:30:14 UTC
Buffy heard, of course. It's not like she hasn't been reading everything either of them post to the network, if only to make sure they're okay. Hell, Shaun's even been using her encryptions, so if that's not an indication that he, at least, knows she might be doing it...

Anyway, she decides that making sure they're okay, in person, is more important than Georgia not knowing for sure that she's sorta-not-really spying on them, and comes at a bit of a run.

She skids to a stop in front of their apartment building, and... well, okay, she's going to just gape at the hole in the wall at first.

"...See, that just seems totally unnecessary."


feedislive December 26 2011, 04:06:06 UTC
"Yeah, I kind of thought so too," Georgia sighs, glancing up without moving from the stoop. At least she's too preoccupied with everything else to be awkward at Buffy. "Apparently Hypatia thought we might not notice it if she just put it on the fucking street? I don't know."


notthatbuffy December 26 2011, 04:23:31 UTC
The preoccupied is good. It gives Buffy a chance to talk, anyway.

"Yeah, well. I think she's trying to get under some people's skin," Buffy admits, plopping down on the stoop next to Georgia, being careful with the bag she has slung over her shoulder. "My roommate Toby came out, took one look at whatever it was Hypatia'd left her, and locked herself in her room. Sounded like she was punching the wall when I left."

She falls silent for a moment, then digs in her bag and produces her Chrismas present - a mid-line blood test unit.

"I got something better. There's gotta be someone on the station who can help me reverse engineer it. Maybe even figure out how to make it test for dormant KA."


feedislive December 26 2011, 05:20:29 UTC
Georgia snorts a little. "Only a matter of time until Shaun starts punching walls too. Merry fucking Christmas, huh?"

She sits up a little when Buffy pulls the blood test out of her bag, suddenly interested - and grateful for the distraction. "At least someone got something good. Once you find someone who can duplicate the mechanical parts, it shouldn't be that hard for you to adjust the diagnostics." Pause. "Probably. Now that you won't get arrested for trying it."


needs_answers December 26 2011, 06:09:18 UTC
Yeah, Shaun... knows about her needing to be on her own.

But cleaning the blood and her out of sight? He waits as long as he can stand, before stepping out, taking off his gloves, and calling her up on the wearable. Just... because.

"Hey. You-- still here?"

Not if she's all right. He knows better.


feedislive December 27 2011, 12:04:38 UTC
Georgia smiles a little as his voice comes up on her wearable - it's set up to put any messages from him through immediately and keep an open line until she shuts it off, so there's not even a delay.

"Always," she answers, glancing up to the apartment. "You okay? Need me for anything?"


needs_answers December 27 2011, 12:28:16 UTC
"Good." Some of the tension leaves his shoulders and his face. That's... enough, really, just to have the reassurance that she exists and is ... well, relatively, okay.

"No, I've got bleach enough, protective clothing, and a place to burn the shit that can't be cleaned. Then I'll go pester Kimiko for use of her decon shower and then we can figure out what then." Beat. "Do you?"


feedislive December 28 2011, 04:53:52 UTC
Georgia shakes her head a little. "I'm fine."

She presses her lips together, frowning to herself, and then asks softly, "You sure you don't want help up there? It's not like I don't have the training, and it's-"

It's my mess. It's only fair. It's my turn.


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