who ; YOU
where ; All over Sacrosanct. Due to the wonderful evolved ability of producing spores, Singlings who have ventured too close to the kissing plant may find themselves in romantic entanglements later on in the day, even once escaped from plant itself. Neither organics or inorganics are safe.
when ; Next week or so.
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She'd been warned early on about the presence of the mistletoe and the strange effect it had, but there were times she got just a bit too close as the snow distracted her...
It's with too much relief that he makes his way back toward his quarters. And with too much relief that he takes a moment to enjoy the snow himself as he steps around the one corner he didn't check today.
She reaches out automatically for Steve, for a wall, anything to steady herself against, and only just manages not to slip and go toppling into the snow.
"Thank you, that could have been quite the fall," she says, flashing him a wider smile.
He gestures to the world at large.
"Maybe you'd better stay and make sure I don't fall and hurt myself?" she asks, even as one of her hands slides up to his shoulder. Was it underhanded to play on his 1940's gentlemanly code? Oh well!
"Miss Wanda, we both know that's not- That you wouldn't. That you'd be okay."
It's too late for Steve. She isn't thinking about anything except moving her hand to the back of his neck to hold him in place as she leans up to press her lips to his. Touching him is pretty much all she has on her mind at the moment.
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