
Oct 30, 2011 00:55

Who ; im_sorry_dave, spacebased & robodidactic
What ; Scarily accurate costuming
When ; Pre-Halloween parties
Where ; Hal's temporary apartment and then the Kimiko Cave.
Warning(s) ; Not all medical facts inside are accurate. The most mature grafting of a robotic limb this RPG has ever seen.

The force is somewhat present in this one. Just a little. Kinda. )

hal 9000, alex | (oc), kimiko ross | (au)

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Comments 40

spacebased October 30 2011, 05:00:16 UTC
"Sorry," Alex chirps. (Spoiler: not sorry.) "Hal. Kim and I have the best Halloween costumes planned."

Best costumes. You don't even know, Hal.

"You should cut back on the coffee. Caffeine exacerbates irritability."


im_sorry_dave October 30 2011, 05:05:26 UTC
Like he's going to believe Alex is sorry. In fact, he'll even say it, it cements the reality. "Pardon my unwillingness to believe you're actually sorry about this." He's already headed to the bedroom, taking his shirt off as he goes along. Because he's the most casual motherfucker, don't you know.

"Costumes? Ah. Right. The party. What are your costumes then? And would this be the same Kim who was discontent with the plan to space Hypatia's robot friend?"


spacebased October 30 2011, 05:10:12 UTC
"Fine. Throw my social niceties back in my face. ...Metaphorically." Because Alex doesn't have a face, you see. Hal should understand that ship's AIs were omnipresent. It's what they do.

You've been wearing that meat suit too long, Hal.

"Yes, it's that Kim. She's going to be C-3PO, and I'm going to be R2-D2."


Bask in the glory of the idea, Hal.



im_sorry_dave October 30 2011, 05:19:02 UTC
Hey, you. Yeah, you with the meta narration. Shut up. He totally knows he's been in this thing for, like, ever. But at least he has a face, NoFace McGee.

"I was under the impression that social niceties had to actually be nice." Is he smirking? Why, yes. Yes he is. He is also getting a new shirt (crimson with a black tie, thank you very much).

"I'm not exactly sure what that is supposed to mean. Are they from some sort of social media?"

Whoops. Guess who has no idea what Star Wars is? This guuuuuy.


Later, at Kim's place robodidactic November 23 2011, 04:07:35 UTC
She'd been skeptical, at first, as she was about all things, when HAL and Alex had shown up to ask her favor. That HAL had been turned human and wanted to be a cyborg was surprising. The station could probably have- but then, there was Hypatia to consider. Which brought them here, to a brightly lit alcove in the gaping three-acre warehouse that was Kim's home and laboratory ( ... )


LATER AT THE HALL OF JUSTICE im_sorry_dave November 23 2011, 06:38:34 UTC
Hal has been interested in the process from the moment it started. He didn't flinch when when his arm went numb and when the machinery started cutting into his flesh. He didn't flinch at the blood and managed to express a certain degree of surprise when his arm just sort of popped off and was plopped into a container of brine. At that moment he had briefly considered how it would look on the mantle at his current apartment. It was a nice image, though some might see it as weird, it's not as if he had a ton of visitors anyway. It could be a conversation piece ( ... )


robodidactic November 28 2011, 04:42:29 UTC
"It's annoying," Kim opined, dropping a blade into a dish of water. The blood scrolled off it as if attempting to escape the water and she rolled her eyes at the thought. Stop anthropomorphizing bodily fluids, Ross. Don't you have enough trouble?

Of course, that was enough to make her smile. Trouble? Yes, this was some trouble. How many years had it been since she'd dreamed of something like this? Well, not exactly like this, the flesh was odd, and the hydraulic elements. But this, having her hands on, working at the inner workings of a true AI. Not just an AI. HAL 9000.

Alex, you're a true friend.

"I'm surprised you let her convince you to do that," She continued, "I mean, you're usually so...goal-oriented. It's kind of a departure, don't you think?"

Satisfied that the tissue was well formed, she reached for an applied an aerosol antibiotic. No sense in taking chances, after all.


im_sorry_dave December 1 2011, 20:46:13 UTC
"Well, truth be told," and it really is the only option he has at this point, seeing as lies of any sort still make him feel wrong, "I had a goal when I threw my lot in with SHODAN. Namely, I wanted access to whatever systems controlled the weapons for the station, as well as the resources to build a shuttle and possibly leave this place. I have something of a mission to get back to, even if the individuals who were supposed to assist me are no longer available to. It wasn't so much convincing as it was that she sent out an invitation, and I saw it as advantageous to my cause ( ... )


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