I'm Goin' Back to the Start [OPEN]

Jul 15, 2011 21:32

who ; Wee little Babycade and you
what ; So a giant robot steps into a teleporter and out he comes as a hatchling. Oops.
where ; Garden Zone 04 (Meadows and plains, forests, mid-range mountains)
when ; Now-ish
warning(s) ; Distressed tiny robots?

Barricade's been careful. He's been careful, slaggit. A minimal number of people know what he is - ( Read more... )

barricade | (au), raimi matthews, alex mercer, ratchet, nemesis prime

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Comments 81

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namesnotprowl July 16 2011, 03:10:38 UTC
Barricade, if he was physically capable, might just have burst into tears at some point. He's managed to convince himself that Starscream did this to him on purpose and he has no idea what he did wrong. He's still yelling for the jet anyway.

Which is about when something big and bright comes out of the weird green whatever-it-is. Barricade twitches, pulling his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. Don't hurt him, you-


You are not Starscream.

But you are Cybertronian, so he can trust you. Right? Because that's how it works.

He blinks rapidly - upper optics then lower optics - and carefully unfolds himself from his ball. The little hatchling is small for his age, and without a terran alt mode. "Starscream was supposed to be looking after us and I don't... I don't know where everyone is." He doesn't even know where this is. "This isn't where we were."


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namesnotprowl July 16 2011, 05:30:04 UTC
Barricade is healthy as a horse, for a hatchling that just spent a considerable amount of time tripping. He seems to consider what the big mech is telling him, shoulders slumping in thought. Starscream is lost... oh. Oh no. "Did another Driller get him?" Because that would suck, especially if Shockwave isn't there to save him again.

... He doesn't seem overly pleased with the idea of living here, though. Wherever 'here' is, besides 'on a space station'. His lower optics narrow in concentration. "So we... we're stuck here? We can't go back home?" B-but Cybertron, big neon mech D::


Iiiii hope it's okay /)_(\;;; dx1118c July 16 2011, 16:22:38 UTC
He should be at Manhattan, cleaning up the mess first Alex then him have unleashed on it, but quite obviously he isn't. Instead he's stuck on an orbital station somewhere--

Which he's now familiarizing himself with. Residental Zones and Garden Zones, he had checked out the Junkyard on the very first day. The size and organization of the whole place is impressive, but only about eighty-- well, let's just say individuals around. Humans, aliens, robots and ... sentient animals. Not like he's one to judge, considering what he, himself, is, even if he's playing the role of a human and keeping on the downlow. Word spreads fast among a society of eighty and he doesn't need anybody on his ass for what he is.

He doesn't really expect to see an odd looking robot in a Garden Zone though, or almost walk into one, as the case may be. It doesn't look like it's native to the station, but what does Alex know? He's been here for a few days only-- though that makes him wonder if maybe taking the thing apart would help him learn anything, because he ( ... )


Totally! namesnotprowl July 16 2011, 20:03:36 UTC
No trap here. Barricade's proximity sensors aren't set as high as they are when he's his normal age - danger breeds caution, and all - but they trip when he's almost walked into by a... what is that? The hatchling quickly scrambles to his feet and backs out of the way, studying the creature. If he can call it that; nothing like that exists back home, he doesn't even know if it's dangerous.

It starts making noises, and if that's anything like speech... well. It's not Cybertronian, and the thing is big and odd enough that Barricade gets worried. He chirps and growls uncertainly, before splaying out his armor like a puffed-up cat, rattling the plates against each other.

Look, I'm scary. You don't want to mess with me.


yay! dx1118c July 16 2011, 20:53:05 UTC
Unbothered by the display of ... prowess? Alex crouches right where he stands, eyebrow quired under the hood. This'd perhaps explain why it's here, some sort of robotic animal? Fuck if he knows, but he hasn't seen one like that here yet (or anywhere, but on Earth that'd be a given).

"You're kind of ugly for a pet," he doesn't expect the robot to understand him at all, simply speaking to no one in particular. He remains still, though, just observing and considering his options. While it probably tries to, it doesn't look exactly threatening and Alex reaches out, trying to grab it by what he assumes would be the scurff of the neck.


namesnotprowl July 16 2011, 22:02:25 UTC
Barricade lacks weapons; he's too young for his flails to be present, and doesn't any weapons he later added or replaced in accordance with his position. Even his claws aren't half as sharp as they are later. And without Starscream and his missiles, the best the little mech can manage is defensive posturing.

... Though if he knew he'd just been called a pet, he'd be incredibly offended. He's no pet, he's a Cybertronian and someday he's going to be on the Defense Force and save the world!

He startles when the thing reaches for him, taking a couple long steps back and speaking. Just... not in any language that humans would probably know, mostly vowels and interspersed with metallic clicks and squeals. What the Pit are you and what in the Pit are you doing, weird thing?


fuckinghubble July 18 2011, 04:23:26 UTC
Young Raimi had enough prudence to know when something was messed up when he stepped into one of those things people had called "teleporters". He was almost loathe to call them that... Because it was almost like something out of some movie or TV show or video game. Stuff like that didn't happen in real life. But hey, for all he knew, this wasn't real life -- maybe it was just a very long, very realistic dream he hadn't been able to wake up from yet ( ... )


namesnotprowl July 18 2011, 16:45:21 UTC
Barricade, after having decided that Starscream is not going to show up on his own, figured that the best idea would be to go looking for him, and inform him that keeping a headcount of hatchlings is a priority. He's going to be somebody someday, how is he supposed to survive if he's being abandoned by his caretaker?

So he'd gotten up and started walking the area. Hrm. If he could find one of these things that's tall enough, he could see more of the area. Except there's a pale, scrawny thing looking at him. He can see it. What is it? Well, it's too small to hurt him, he thinks. His 'wings' perk up slightly and he cocks his head to the side, letting out a metallic sound. Uh, hi?


fuckinghubble July 18 2011, 17:50:01 UTC
Oh, what.

What was that even supposed to be?

Raimi had no idea what he was looking at. The strange but small mesh of metal was of something he had never seen before.

Not daring to climb down the tree to investigate the creature without exercising some caution (hey, he may be a kid, but he sure as hell wasn't a stupid kid), Raimi squinted as it let out a weird sound.

"What are you?" How Raimi could be expecting an answer out of the thing was just childish folly that one had to cut him some slack for.


namesnotprowl July 18 2011, 20:10:08 UTC
There's those noises again, like the big dark one made. And that he kept hearing from that bolt on his shoulder he couldn't get off. He can process it, no problem, he just can't comprehend it. Maybe this one's the same species as the dark one. But it's smaller; a hatchling like him?

He looks up at the creature; it's up higher so maybe it climbs too. But unless it's one of the older Cybertronians, he doesn't mch like having to look so far up, and starts up the tree quickly, tiny half-blunted claws gripping and gouging into the trunk as he makes his way up, stopping when he reaches the first limb he judges can hold him. It's not as far up as the other creature, but at least he doesn't have to crane his neck so much.

Lower optics on the branch and the ground, he examines the other with his larger upper optics. And then he speaks in that same language. "You're not as big as the other one." Not that he anticipates it will understand him; the other one hadn't, after all.


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