Gamzee!!!!!!!! A8out time you got 8ack from your little vac8tion. Jegus. (A vac8tion is a thing that Earth humans have when they want to take a 8r8k from their weird human jo8s, just fyi!) Way to keep every8ody w8ting. Man! How incredi8ly inconsider8 of you! >:::;D
Then I suppose your insu8ordin8tion can 8e excused this once! Haha. ::::D
And fuck if I know, their whole jo8 system is pretty crazy! I mean. They don't even have an earth fleet to 8e sent to. Or an empress to make them go! So they have human jo8s instead. Like John's adult male custodian seemed to 8e involved in the process of escorting an Earth human "8riefcase" to and from their hive every day for some reason. Whilst wearing a hat? Earth society was weird as shit, Gamzee. It is pro8a8ly 8est to not delve too deeply into its mysteries!
:33 < there you are gamz33! oh gosh we were all worried about you :33 < but you picked a good time to come back efurythings back to normal :33 < it was a bad w33k you didnt miss much :((
Comments 154
You too.
I'm gonna make cookies or some shit, I think.
You want some?
i AlL sTiLl GoT sOmE fAyGo My SeLf BrOtHeR
wE cAn AlL sLaM oNe Of ThOsE tOo
yeah, you missed a pretty awful week
but it doesn't matter!!! its over now!
welcome back! :)
I'm AlL rEaL fUcKiNg GlAd ThAt ShIt AlL dEcIdEd To Be AlL nOt HaPpEnInG aNyMoRe
seriously, this week was really shitty, you should be happy you didnt have to sit through most of it :/
but enough about that!
whatre you up to now?
mOtHeRfUcKiNg GlAd I wAsN't AlL tHeRe FoR iT sOrTa
ShIt I'm JuSt chIlLiNg SiSbRo
A8out time you got 8ack from your little vac8tion. Jegus.
(A vac8tion is a thing that Earth humans have when they want to take a 8r8k from their weird human jo8s, just fyi!)
Way to keep every8ody w8ting. Man! How incredi8ly inconsider8 of you! >:::;D
I sUrE aLl DiDn'T mEaN tO gEt My MoThErFuCkInG iNcOnSiDeRaTe On :oD
FuCk WhY dId HuMaNs AlL gEt At InVeNtInG sOmE aLl ThInG lIkE tHaT?
Haha. ::::D
And fuck if I know, their whole jo8 system is pretty crazy!
I mean. They don't even have an earth fleet to 8e sent to. Or an empress to make them go!
So they have human jo8s instead. Like John's adult male custodian seemed to 8e involved in the process of escorting an Earth human "8riefcase" to and from their hive every day for some reason. Whilst wearing a hat?
Earth society was weird as shit, Gamzee. It is pro8a8ly 8est to not delve too deeply into its mysteries!
sHiT's AlL bEiNg WeIrD aS aLl MoThErFuCk
MyStErIoUs ShIt Is RiGhT
oh thank fuckin god
dIdN'T aLl MeAn To WoRrY nO oNe
its alright
the important this is that youre back an not
i uh
wwas kinda wwonderin uh
wwhats the status on us chattin in person again cause uh
i'M gLaD tO bE bAcK aNd AlL
hElL yEaH mY bRoThEr!
We CaN aLl Up AnD sHaRe A pIe AgAiN :oD
:33 < but you picked a good time to come back efurythings back to normal
:33 < it was a bad w33k you didnt miss much :((
EsPeCiAlLy SiNcE sHiT's AlL nOt BeInG hApPeNiNg AnYmOrE
:33 < i cant wait fur it to get all loud again h33 h33
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