[Someone's taken a few days to get a handle on this whole network thing. She turns the camera on and takes a moment to just kinda look at it to make sure it's actually working.]
Oh! Am I broadcasting?
Um, hi! My name's Sarah, Sarah Connor, and, I was just wondering if anyone knows where you can get a perm here?
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Comments 63
Ah, you should be able to program specific preferences in one of the automated salons, if you have the credits...
...but I don't think you need to worry. You look lovely.
[ you know, not being all psycho and robot racist ]
Hey, thanks! Automated salons, really? Guess you just gotta keep an eye on them to make sure they don't take too much off the top, right?
[She laughs. WHAT A HILARIOUS JOKE and obviously not something anyone would ever really worry about at all.
...and oh my god is that a blush and a self-deprecating shrug?]
Well, you know...thanks, but I could kill for a blowdryer.
Not that he minds her being all nice and open and things, but after the way she'd yelled at him for giving her name to one person one time....
Not that he really wanted to tell her the reason why it was a bad idea for her to reveal her name like that on the network...or that Giant Hair Sarah really bore all that much resemblance to Action Girl Sarah.]
I have marked the locations of several salons on your wearable and would be happy to escort you to any of them, should you desire to do so.
Oh, hi Delta!
Would you really? That'd be great!
[Let her? She did this! Too late to stop her now. He can, however, make sure she's in a secure location if she insists on beauty treatments.
...He really hoped there wasn't a Terminator around.]
[Hey, he could have warned her.
But luckily for Delta, Sarah will probably be too busy beating herself up for being an idiot to waste time yelling at him.]
You're the best, Delta.
A perm? What's a perm?
Sarah just stares, completely disbelieving.]
...You've never had a perm?
It just, you know, makes your hair look nice. For when you're going out, or whatever.
A...permanent wave, I guess it's called? You know, for your hair?
[She reaches up and kind of gestures at her own head, as if this will provide any enlightenment at all.]
...you haven't heard of them?
No, I haven't.
[Sarah stares in confusion for a minute, before her eyes widen, her face lighting up suddenly.]
Oh! You're one of those...AI or programs or something, right?
[She's been talking to Gibson.]
It's...something you do to your hair? Or get done, really. You know, to make it look like this.
[And she gestures to her own head. WHY WOULDN'T YOU WANT TO LOOK LIKE THIS.]
But like I said, mine's a little flat, so I want to get it redone.
[ She turns on the feed and points to a scraggly, somewhat oily-looking mess. Who's been living in the wilderness for almost a month? This girl! ]
Seems pointless, when you're about to die.
[She's a little started, and it shows, although she manages to hide her initial shock fairly quickly.]
W-what do you mean, about to die?
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