002 || audio -> video || open channel

Mar 20, 2011 02:09

[This post is preceded by ... a bit of silence. And some paper shuffling. Someone is trying to get his motherfucking game face on but he's running on a Microsoft OS it's taking some time SOMEBODY HASN'T DEFRAGGED LATELY....... and by defragged I mean slept more than twenty minutes at a time ( Read more... )

noble seven (thom 293)

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Comments 227

[Video] hyperlethality March 20 2011, 09:13:38 UTC
Contact me if you want in on the live party.

[ Now there's a line to Thom, encrypted as much as she can, but she's definitely not Kat. ]

Hanging in there?


audio || 95% thom_293 March 20 2011, 09:18:53 UTC
Best I can.

[He says this with All The Cockiness. Sure, he's tired, but this is what he was waiting for. Action. No more putting up with teammates going crazy, or offing themselves, or offing anyone they ran into, or generally being batshit. ACSHUNNNNNN. Life is as good as it gets.]

... You?


audio || 95% hyperlethality March 20 2011, 09:24:14 UTC
Doing what I can to stop this madness.

[ Sneaky, Six. She knows he's asking about her health, but now she's moving on to motivations. Description of action rather than her own feelings, because, yes- they need action. And fast. ]

Don't push yourself.


audio || 95% thom_293 March 20 2011, 09:28:23 UTC
[Yeah he knows. You are like a goddamned Spartan!Terminator. He's been offing his fair share of necromorphs but man.]

Wouldn't dream of it, Six. You know me. A nice, well-rounded eight hours a night. Balanced meals... bubble baths. Sometimes even at the same time.


video reunified March 20 2011, 09:17:00 UTC
[ Altman stares at this forever, because ahah healthy paranoia of the military, before he finally activates his video. ]

I want in. I'm not... I don't have a lot of experience with weapons, but I've dealt with the Marker before. Back home, I mean.


video; thom_293 March 20 2011, 09:20:27 UTC

We could use all the intel you have on it. Over the network, or in person if you'd prefer.


video; reunified March 20 2011, 09:24:12 UTC
I'm not too great at encrypting things on here. [ Yet, anyways. ]

There are at least two others here from my world who have encountered it before, but I don't know how much they know. [ And even if one of them broke his nose he's not going to start handing out their names on the network. ]


video; || wat are comma overuse thom_293 March 20 2011, 09:26:58 UTC
Name a time and a place. ... Preferably before six hours from now.

[And then, slowly...]

If you could talk to them and ask them if they'd be willing to share their information - or even just direct them to me so I can ask myself - I'd appreciate it.


text; manipul8trix March 20 2011, 10:49:25 UTC
I'm not going to help.
Not 8ecause I don't want to go nuts again. I am just feeling spectacularly lazy today! :::;D
8ut if you're 8lowing that thing up, TRY not to get my respite8lock 8urned to the ground in the 8last.

[ Have the coordinates of an apartment in Zone 08, helpfully labelled "DON'T EXPLODE ME, ASSHOLES". ]

I left all my stuff there and if it gets destroyed I will 8e holding you personally responsi8le.

[ If anything happens to her beloved Nic Cage poster there are going to be words. ]


audio; thom_293 March 20 2011, 11:12:23 UTC
[... what the everliving troutfucking pajamas it's like code. ALL THE SKEPTICAL EYEBROW RAISES............]

I'll see what we can do, but I'm not gonna make any promises.


NOT HERE chttrbox_recon March 20 2011, 14:36:28 UTC
[Jun would happily translate for you if he wasn't busy going craycray at the moment]


text; manipul8trix March 20 2011, 23:10:09 UTC
When you say you'll "see what you can do", that 8etter mean "yes, Miss Serket, we will definitely do our very 8est to make sure your awesome stuff doesn't get vaporized.
8ecause you've already had to move to a new place FIVE TIMES so far, and we sure don't want you to have the hassle of doing that yet again!"
Don't you know how to do this "pu8lic rel8tions" 8ullshit at all????????
You're supposed to make all the promises. All of them!
And then if you can't deliver, just 8lame some8ody else. Duh.


up_in_flame March 20 2011, 14:51:34 UTC
I have a... uh collection of explosives if you're interested?

[Help military guys, fly under the radar for growing drugs and making bombs. Everybody wins.]


thom_293 March 20 2011, 18:31:06 UTC
[... 'Collection' sounds promising, actually. For Spartans, they're doing pretty piss-poor in the WALKING ARMOURY department, s-sob.]

Sure. This [network ping! It's in Residential Zone 07, admittedly as far away from any buildings or apartments as he can get it, s'up.] is our rally point Bravo, if you're willing to deliver. If not, give me a time and a place and I'll come find you.


up_in_flame March 20 2011, 19:19:53 UTC
[Delivering a large quantity of questionably stable explosives to a monster-ridden zone while wearing no armor? Challenge accepted.]

Sure thing. I'll make my way toward you now. There might be one more guy with me.


thom_293 March 20 2011, 19:37:40 UTC
Understood. I'll make sure you get through the checkpoints.

[... a-all the organization...]


evaskullface March 20 2011, 15:21:34 UTC
I'm in. Let's blow stuff up!

[Emile's favorite pastime.]


audio; || private 95% thom_293 March 20 2011, 18:36:05 UTC
[...he just sort of... looks at this transmission for a while.]

Got a minute, Five?


audio; || private 95% evaskullface March 20 2011, 18:42:23 UTC
[What he's perfectly sane okay.]

Sure. Need to know the strategy anyway.


audio; || private 95% thom_293 March 20 2011, 19:01:09 UTC

Still in the same room I did the broadcast from.

[linefacing at you bro. :|]


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