Oct 01, 2011 17:27

[Despite Raimi's absence, he still somehow manages to sport that been-through-Hell-and-back look... or some variety of the kind. It's not just apparent because of the fresh cuts on his face or the newly cracked lenses of his glasses, either ( Read more... )

raimi matthews

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[video; encrypted] a_perfect_end October 2 2011, 02:37:10 UTC
Sure. I dropped a few microcy--hours.

[Pointedly] When I derezzed.

[Staring into the feed like he can force Raimi to give him a detailed status report] Where you been? See anything interesting?


[video; encrypted] fuckinghubble October 2 2011, 02:49:26 UTC
Guess we've got that much in common, then.

[Luckily Raimi's understood the programs enough to discern the commonground of deresolution = death, so he doesn't even have to ask.]

Enjoying the Coast City sights -- downside and topside. Not sure if you could call the EMP lightshow outside my bedroom window to be all that interesting, to answer your second question.


[video; encrypted] a_perfect_end October 2 2011, 14:27:11 UTC
Oh, you'd be surprised.

[And he does notice that Raimi doesn't trip over the distinction or ask what it means, the way a couple people had on Tron's network feed. Experience with programs. Facility with computers.

Yeah, they're gonna get along just fine.]

EMP? [Long, low whistle and a flinchy shrug.] Yeah, that's a party I can miss.

Coast City? Sounds like good beaches.

[He didn't always hate the Sea. Not until the seeds of destruction washed up on the shore one day.]


[video; encrypted] fuckinghubble October 2 2011, 15:52:40 UTC
Would it be too much to ask for a rain check on that? I feel like I've had my fair share of surprises recently. Any more and I just might have another stroke.

[What can one say? He's a perceptive guy -- but hell, even the word itself is kind of a dead giveaway.]

It's a real fucking blast, let me tell you. [Not that Raimi would care for a repeat incident anytime soon.]

You'd think so, wouldn't you? But hey, if swimming in oil and dead fish happens to be your thing, then by all means... Unfortunately, environmental cleanliness has never been the city's primary feat.


[video; encrypted] a_perfect_end October 2 2011, 18:23:29 UTC
By all means! I can't stand them, myself. [Pause.] Another--?

[Aren't strokes supposed to be kinda serious?]

Hah. [Yeah, no, not ever going through with that, himself.] I bet.

Whoa, I stand corrected. [Just. Kinda craning his neck a little, toward the shelves.] Say. You a collector, or what?


[video; encrypted] fuckinghubble October 2 2011, 18:56:39 UTC
Long story. [Not that Raimi minds telling, but not everyone is willing to sit and listen to personal anecdotes of one's recent medical background. Especially when it can be a little TMI at times.

[Raimi never skimps out on the nitty gritty details.

[At Clu's question, he just stops and stares.]

That depends. What kind of collecting are we talking about?


[video; encrypted] a_perfect_end October 3 2011, 00:51:27 UTC
Is it? I've got a while.

[Data! GIVE. He craves detail, on a nearly pathological level.]

Mmm? Oh! Couldn't help but notice the array of puzzles behind you. All elegantly solved. I'm into solutions. How 'bout you?


[video; encrypted] fuckinghubble October 3 2011, 03:11:28 UTC
Oh hey, me, too. Imagine that.

So I take it you'd rather the whole skinny, because I don't do abridged very well.

[He idly tosses the whole Yoshimoto piece in his hand, then begins to take it apart again, restoring it back to its two-piece state that it was before.]

For the past three years, I have been under the employ of the largest telecommunications company to help program their data-tracking software. For months we slaved to make our most recent deadline, working on what we thought was to be the corporate satellite network project. The idea was to create a wireless world, roping even the farthest regions together under the banner of the BIOCOM network.

We Keep You Connected, they always say.It seemed like they were under a pretty strict schedule, needed all the hands they could get, when one day I get pulled off the project we were on. I had a feeling it had something to do with the shady tidings I stumbled upon at the office when doing a little backdoor sniffing in the company mainframe -- I was always paranoid so it shouldn ( ... )


[video; encrypted] a_perfect_end October 8 2011, 15:52:52 UTC
Strange how it all comes together like that, huh?

Oh, good. [It's almost a sigh, real contentment. He really does prefer to know everything about a situation before calculating the next move. Watching Raimi, attentive to body language and use of words, even as Clu processes the information handed to him at length.

So many questions; he'll just have to stick to the most salient concerns.]

BIOCOM, huh? Sounds like you got pooched on that deal...

[Oh, man. Emergent consciousness. Ghosts in the network. ISOs nibbling on your brain, bro? He knew they were hiding something sick under that miracle garbage. That's rough.]

Sounds like you're quick with terminals, too--can literally make 'em sing--and you don't. Sleep. Seems like it'd be a hell of a trade-off.

[Watching the flickering of Raimi's fingers with an almost rapt focus.]

So. How do you recharge? [Well, didn't that come out all personal. Uh.] I mean. What do you require, exactly?


[video; encrypted] fuckinghubble October 8 2011, 18:26:55 UTC
Yeah, strange...

[Real strange, if you want to consider how all of the patterns and signs have been coming together as they have been. Just as he suspected -- it's not a fucking fluke.

[Raimi can see how Clu is taking this all in, as he figured. There aren't many who would, but Clu is more worldly than the other programs. Not that Raimi has any problems with going all Mr. Exposition on anyone. He likes to talk, and it shows:]

Au contraire, conspiracies and dark secrets aside, you could arguably say that I was pretty fortunate to work at where I do. Not a whole lot of companies out there have staff housing that monitor your biorhythms, which could come in handy when it trips medical emergency while you're having an epileptic fit on the floor of your apartment.

It's a fair trade, I'd say. I don't like sleep and sleep doesn't like me. Never has and never will. It's a mutually spiteful relationship we have.

[Raimi then starts taking apart the Yoshimoto pieces and begins shifting it into a polyhedron.]

What do I require? [He clicks ( ... )


[video; encrypted] a_perfect_end October 13 2011, 04:44:40 UTC
[Something in the way Raimi says it suggests he finds events around here more than coincidental. That's interesting.]

...Point. [So they've got their wires in your brain, somehow, somewhere? Would you know it if they set them off? Until now he didn't really think Users could be rectified.] I guess they had their uses, as a company.

[Brb, attention momentarily absorbed. Watching your fingers. Programs are not cats, shut up.]

...Does that puzzle just assume any solid polygonal shape you formulate?

Huh. [Because he's curious and User sleeping habits aren't usually taboo; the phrasing was unintentional, or that's what he'll tell himself from now on.] Information over cheeseburgers, then. Noted.

[Pause.] You could start with the time differential in respawns. I mean, they're only supposed to take three milli--twenty-four hours, and you lost an unspecified number of days. I've heard of other residents losing months at a time this way. Mostly isolated cases, though ( ... )


[video; encrypted] fuckinghubble October 14 2011, 12:08:51 UTC
[Raimi's far too paranoid to believe that life is completely random. Fickle, yes... but there is always a schema behind the closed curtains.

[Oh, we already know what happens to this guy when those wires in his brain are set off. Much like the sound of forgiveness, it involves a lot of screaming and then silence.]

We've made use of each other, to an extent. The pay was good, for one thing, and when you're in the city then money is where it's at. As that one adage goes, you know -- he who has the gold, sets he rules.

[Who's the cutest kitten? CLU IS.]

I think the general idea was to divide the puzzle into an equal three-dimensional space. I don't really care, personally. It gives my hands something to do while I think.

[As he flips it into a rhombus. A brow raises.]

Noted, huh? For what? Trying to decide whether to take me out to dinner or study?

[He means this in an entirely joking way, of course. Entirely.]I'm familiar with similar cases as well. Judging by the time lost and the time gained in my situation, it adds up to an ( ... )


[video; encrypted] a_perfect_end October 17 2011, 00:24:58 UTC
[And Clu is too direct, and directed, to allow life to be random. Raimi's belief that there must be something more going on...is compelling, in a User, which are interesting in themselves, almost by default.

...Oh. Really? Better to be careful with the knowledge, then. Clu is curious, it's true--and driven, all about implementation. He may very well try to touch, to see what they will do.]

...Yeah. [He seizes on that with a mellow hum of approval. Apparently, Raimi's good with color, too.] It can definitely do that. I find it depends on the market forces, though.

And, as we've established, you're a very thoughtful guy. [Less than an inch from asking if Raimi's involved in speculation in a ludicrous tone of voice.]

You know, now that you mention it... [And he leans, and steeples his hands, grinning.] 'Both' is often a satisfactory outcome. I mean, if you're interested.

[That word holds more weight and warmth than it probably should.]

Change can be a difficult proposition. [He knows that too well.]

Hey. Hey. [Quietly] We all do ( ... )


[video; encrypted] fuckinghubble October 17 2011, 02:58:24 UTC
[There's a reason Raimi's earned himself a reputation for being fixated. Of course, people are also prone to calling him paranoid in the past, but that's neither here nor there.

[Good thing Raimi isn't quick to explain that his episodes are triggered by extremely low frequencies, then.]

This is true. Unless if you're out in the middle of buttfuck nowhere living in trees... Gotta earn your bi-weekly allowance to live comfortably. Perfect leisure and perfect harmony.

[Perfect sarcasm, too, apparently.]

Of course I am. I sure as fuck didn't get where I am by looking pretty, that's for sure. [Yeah, Clu. You stroke that ego.


[Whoa there sailor.]

Funny. If I had half a right mind, that'd almost sound like a date to me.

[He then falls silent for a moment. Clu certainly does have such a sugary way with words, he knows -- but words themselves are familiar and relatable. Maybe it's the aftershock, and maybe his brain is still fried... but he really can't bring himself to give two flying cow fucks. It's in his nature to know, and it ( ... )


[video; encrypted] a_perfect_end October 18 2011, 02:09:18 UTC
[Fixated is a perfectly good thing to be. It just makes people without goals, without drive, jealous.

...Yes, that's probably better for Raimi's health.]

Like the credit system, here? It only seems orderly on the surface. Pretty much asks people to beg, borrow, and steal.

[Perfect is his very favorite word, oh yes.]

And modest, too. [This ego? It's been neglected, hasn't it. Let's see if we can't make it a little bigger.] Y'know, I've got a good feeling about you.

[...Sorry, were you expecting this ride to slow down?]

Really. Because. If it were, I'd probably suggest tomorrow at eight, eight-thirty, but since it's hypothetical, we have to be flexible about boundaries like time and date.

[Clu can share, if pushed, and for good reason. It's just that he tends to get...possessive. But intense focus on something he wants? That's just his nature.]

Oh? I'm no good at guessing, it's true. You'll just have to show me.


[video; encrypted] fuckinghubble October 18 2011, 03:25:48 UTC
[True, having something to be fixated on tends to give one a sense of drive -- it does for Raimi, at least. Maybe that was why he was so compelled by conspiracy theories.

[Patterns within patterns. Plans within plans.]

I don't see how those begging and borrowing and taking is necessarily a bad thing. Keeps life interesting if you're willing enough to give. Shit, Coast City's practically paved with scum and beggers. Makes it feel like home.

Of course. Apparently you missed the memo -- I'm just the fucking poster boy for modesty. [He then looks up. Because eye contact? What's that?] Hey man, watch it. You're gonna start making me blush.

[More sarcasm? You decide.]

Hmm, now let me think about it...

[Pause:] No. Don't have any plans on plumbing shady corporations or getting my ass fried around that approximate hour. Sure. Why not? I'm flexible.

[It shows. Doesn't help that Raimi would certainly like to pick at a program's brain sometime as well.]

All in due time.


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