Title: Beast and the Dishes Author: singoutloud25 Pairing: KiSeungSeob, ninja! Original OTP's Rating: PG Summary: "How could we not manage the dishes?" Author's Notes: I don't really know where I get these ideas...
ROFLMAO! This is so funny! As usual, one pair took the bedroom.one pair took the bathroom and the last pair will have the kitchen or living room! XD You awesome babe! <3
ROFLMAO! This is so funny! As usual, one pair took the bedroom.one pair took the bathroom and the last pair will have the kitchen or living room! XD You awesome babe! <3
How can they be so cute and sexy and the same time!?! Thank-you for this fic, it was filled with eye candy (imagined eye candy, but still eye candy) ^^
Comments 7
This is so funny!
As usual, one pair took the bedroom.one pair took the bathroom and the last pair will have the kitchen or living room! XD
You awesome babe! <3
Thank You!
This is so funny!
As usual, one pair took the bedroom.one pair took the bathroom and the last pair will have the kitchen or living room! XD
You awesome babe! <3
This is totally awesome =D
I loev this =D
Its wonderful!!
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