Nov 21, 2009 05:37

For those of you who are somehow living under rocks, it may behoove you to know that the new Vocaloid Christmas album, starring Miki as the New One and with backup from Pretty Much Everyone Else, is out.

I have pretty mixed feelings about it, I have to admit - while I will happily sit and listen to the album there's a certain sort of fuzziness to the tracks and some really warbly high notes and songs. None of them particularly strike out at me as classics, though a couple of them are at least really goddamn catchy - Gumi's high energy song 'Hello Hello - Hello Hello' is easily my favorite, with Luka's super-smooth trumpet filled 'This Christmas' coming a close second. At the very least it's a solid debut for Miki and a pretty enjoyable listen - as an added bonus it has Gakupo or Kaito jumping in mid-song to go 'Good job, Miki!' and I think that's fantastic.

Now, to business. See, our silly little two-person comm is suddenly approaching a hundred members, which is still kind of vaguely unthinkable. Sure, a good ten or so of those journals are the mods and their friends screwing around with RP journals, but that's still a good four-thousand-percent or so increase. We've even gained an IRC chatroom and have lessened our ironic sense of self-loathing! In honour of all this, and since we like to think we're building a community spirit, this post is a good old fashioned friending meme/poll thing. Who are you, how did you find us or singing robots as a whole, what do you do? Show off! Earn fame and prestige! Friend people and get them to friend you! If you'd like to recruit more people to our singing robot army that is also an excellent plan.

Ramble away in the comments or, if you like, pretend I made one of those fancy banners and go fill this out.


Favourite Vocaloid(s):
Favourite Song(s)/Genre(s)/PV(s):
Favourite Ships:

Other Fandoms:
Other Stuff You Do:
Your LJ:

Anything else?:

vocaloid: miki, announcement, highly professional conduct

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