Title: On the Admiral's Secret Service
Rating: T
Summary: I think this may very nearly fall under crack!fic. Or at least utter ridiculousness.
plaid_slytherin mentioned, in an entirely better context, bodyguards and it got my brain thinking of what the Admiral and president's marines must have had to endure if they really, truly were frakking as much as shippers
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Comments 10
Frak. Now, responding to you, I have this idea in my head where Bill tasks Saul with protecting the president and he gets all jealous. I'm still salivating at the world afrakaday created for your kink this weekend. I can sorta see a world in which Bill gets Saul to be into Laura in some overly masculine protective way. Hmmmm...one for you, perhaps?
I want to read this meta you speak of. I love all thoughts on this OT3. In fact, I think there was a meta challenge at bsg-epics this week that would fit this PERFECTLY. *hint* *begs*
I'm sure getting plastered with Kara was fun in a completely different way.
Now I'm having thoughts of Kara seeing the cuffs still on the desk's legs and trying to con Lee into restraints. "What, Lee? You willing to let your father be kinkier than you are?" lol
You know, I've always wanted to write a 'Kara and Laura get wasted' scene. I think one of the best I've ever read was Under the Table by Louise Ellis. I feel unworthy but, hey, if you ever want to collaborate on that scene...you know where to find me. ;)
Sorry for so many edits to this comment. FHTML.
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