Title: My Turn Rating: MA Pairing: Adama/Roslin Word Count: 1300 Summary: Response to a BSG Kink prompt in which the attacks never happened: "Bill/Laura, established relationship, she decides to challenge Adar when he runs for reelection."
I want this universe to be real. I would put my life on hold to campaign for her.
The backstory you created really fit the characters we know and love (or love to hate, in Adar's case). The image of Laura as a political whistleblower, Adar as corrupt, and Bill as the envy of men (and women) across the colonies, was just delightful.
Thanks for writing something that felt true to the characters and wonderfully imaginative.
This has been the highlight of an otherwise stressful day. :) Just the release I needed. So thank you! I look forward to reading your other writings!
Comments 3
I want to read the story of how they came to get married at Laura's hospital bed!
I'm such a sucker for smutty non-attack AUs. This is a great one.
I want this universe to be real. I would put my life on hold to campaign for her.
The backstory you created really fit the characters we know and love (or love to hate, in Adar's case). The image of Laura as a political whistleblower, Adar as corrupt, and Bill as the envy of men (and women) across the colonies, was just delightful.
Thanks for writing something that felt true to the characters and wonderfully imaginative.
This has been the highlight of an otherwise stressful day. :) Just the release I needed. So thank you! I look forward to reading your other writings!
Thank the gods she carried Tauron.
Simply wonderful and sexy.
♥ ♥ ♥
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