Thank you, so much, hon. I can't believe the level of stupidity required to pull something like this. But I am so very gratified by the outpouring from readers and fellow writers who have seen to it that all four of us have been notified of the theft and supported since this broke.
The response from fandom with this situation has been flat-out amazing and has turned unpleasantness on its head. I'm more fired up than ever to write now :)
Oh. I just read one of those stories late last night and I guess it must have been one of the ones posted earlier that I never read because though I've been reading for what seems like a long time now. I didn't associate taylorgibbs with the story I was reading. Plus I was too tired to look at what else the 'author' had posted. I'll have to go find it in its proper setting later, this weekend perhaps and comment accordingly. :)
Would you believe that I stumbled in? Anyhoots, I hereby admit to sometimes stalking my flist for non flisters fics to see what's out there. *wide eyed* Doesn't everybody??
I checked your G/D tag and came upon your fic Vanustas and *loved* it. Just realized that I didn't leave a review though. I'll get on it tonight. *grins* Next I'm skulking for firefly. Be warned.
I am still majorly irked by this more than 24 hours later. I think I am more angry that this person states in her bio that the stories were stolen from her. Not only is she a thief she is a libelous one at that.
I've been reading from these authors for years how dare she make that accusation!
I was lucky enough to have been able to watch tejas world build this phenomenal universe for Worthy, as well as being one of the betas for the story. You have no idea how intricate it is and how much information and time and energy she put into this. I think that ticks me off the most.
AW! Thanks! It was kinda frustrating at times when my notes file was so much bigger than the actual text. LOL It was when I found myself writing "encyclopedia entries" in order to organize the data that I realized I was on to something. LOL!
I can imagine.... the details in the story are amazing! I guess I'm angry cause I know the three of you ( dont know webbgirl as well) and I KNOW you wouldn't do something like that. You sweat blood over them,
Its like rubbing salt in the wound. First you steal the story them besmirch the actual author's good name! Arrrggghhh!
I know of one reader who at first commented positively, and then when she found out about the plagiarism, turned on her heels and chewed the bitch out... I took the time to PM her and let her know about NFA and, so she could read the stories in their PROPER setting, by the correct author.
Comments 24
Fandom does indeed rock! :-)
The response from fandom with this situation has been flat-out amazing and has turned unpleasantness on its head. I'm more fired up than ever to write now :)
Lucky you friended me today. XD
PS. djmicheals From where did you find me?
I checked your G/D tag and came upon your fic Vanustas and *loved* it. Just realized that I didn't leave a review though. I'll get on it tonight. *grins* Next I'm skulking for firefly. Be warned.
I've been reading from these authors for years how dare she make that accusation!
Its like rubbing salt in the wound. First you steal the story them besmirch the actual author's good name! Arrrggghhh!
Have you lot filed a complaint? I did and it worked; they got banned for trying to hijack mine.
I'm sorry you've been in the same situation :(
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