Title: Bunny Bonding
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts/Bleach x-over
Characters/Pairings: Rukia, Namine, Byakuya
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Author Note: o.o I got stuck.
Summary: Bonding starts with bunnies.
Dedication: For Daddy! Who wanted Rukia/Namine bonding after Bya-tan brings her home. :3
bonding moments )
Comments 2
So cute!
Momma's Rukia is nice! Of course, We don't know canon!Rukia, but We likes his. :3 And his Nami is a sweetie! :3 We like Momma's stuff a whole lot. :3 *kisskiss* Thank you so much!
:3 Thank you, Daddy. *returnreturn*^^ If you ever want something, just ask.
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