[an excerpt from a reply to another person's post/comment session]

Apr 06, 2006 07:56

* This is about religion, and my views, so.. read it if you want. *

Also, I know I don't usually talk about religion much in my LJ, but... I just wrote it all down, and got to wondering what all y'all's experiences/ thoughts on the subject are?

Please share.

Thank You.

- F.

- - -

....also, I was raised muslim, but I think as we grow up, and get more educated (one hopes) .. something happens along the lines of understanding about organized religion as a whole, and it's place in society and it's role. organized religion is it's own entity, and not synonymous with faith, at least not for me. I see how in the past, it served a(n important) role, and I see how now, it doesn't really work for me.

so.. I don't really *FEEL* all that 'muslim', anymore.. but I do respect some of the core beliefs/teachings of it's religion. having said that, I totally understand how some people are totally turned off of the Faith as a Lifestyle, and can see how warped and outmoded it has become in this current incarnation/societal arena.

I dig how throughout the dawn of the ages to the present time, faiths are all derived from each other and overlap in some places. I really *GET* and actually celebrate that other cultures seperate each area of glory to signify multiple gods and thank them all. (Islam is SO ADAMANT about only one god, and no symbols or idols, which I can also understand, but I kind of see it as aspects of The One.. I do however really agree with the no symbols/idols 'rule' because I see how that kind of thing gets the point totally lost and abused in actual practice alot of the time.)

I kind of wish more people spent more time seeing multiple areas of thankfulness and glory in the world.. you know?

I DON'T however understand when people say they don't believe in God whatsoever. It confuses me. Whatever you call it/him. Whatever you think God IS... I don't see how you (a person) could not believe that there is something greater than us, something larger than the tangible, that unites us by its very essence of its ability to *see* us as the single entity in a much larger picture, you know?

when you're having a really crummy day, and a ladybug lands on your hand, to me.. that's God.

when you think you are wondering what to do and if you get really quiet you just KNOW what the Right thing to do is, to me.. that's God.

when you're sad and all cry-y and laying in bed and thinking spiralling negative thoughts and something in your head says, "pick yourself up, you're a cool person, listen to the birds singing outside".. to me, that's God.

everyday when I drive to work and see the new painting in the sky called sunrise or sunset and I marvel at the masterwork and gift it is, to me, that's God..

Is that just an accident of scientific light and angles making varied striations of color.. I hope I'm never so DRY as to think so. You know?


Anyhow, I don't usually talk about all that stuff, cause then I think I sound like some idiot who thinks they live in a FairyLand.. but I just live in FariaLand, which is close, and for that, I'm happy!

(Thank God!)


crumbs that sustain me, beautiful world, random share, thinky feely

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