(no subject)

Mar 20, 2009 20:06



Using Photoshop : curves, colour balance layer masking and smudging :)

Start with your image, cropped 100x100 (or 200x200, if you want to resize later)

now I got rid of the other people - using the clone stamp (you can smudge it or use healing brush if you like):

and then I added some curves (layer -> new adjustment layer -> curves) to brighten and contrast the image a little:

I used the left, but yours may need more like the right if it's dark.

colouring with curves! (layer -> new adjustment layer -> curves) I wanted orange, so I added red and subtracted blue - change the channel at the top:

I used the top ones, but the bottom combination should give more for duller images.

I added some light blobs on a new layer over starbuck's shoulders, making the black lighter.
I drew in white with the paint brush, then blurred via gaussian blur (filter ->blur -> gaussian blur) until it blends in nicely:

like so.
Reduce the layer this is on to a lower opacity so it's less distracting; I used about 65%.
I then merged and sharpened the image.

A colour balance layer (layer-> new adjustment layer -> colour balance) to add some variance to all that orange :P
shadows: -9 on magenta/green (makes shadows more purple)
med: +17 cyan/red (more midtone red) -23 magenta/green (more purple in midtones)

THAT'S ALL THAT PREPPED. That was the easy part! you can stop there if you like, or continue on to hard things like layer masks :P

Okay. *deep breath*
Merge the layers and make a few copies. On the top layer, grab you smudge tool, and smudge down.
this is what mine looks like:

add a layer mask (layer -> add layer mask -> reveal all)
with a black brush, I paint over where starbuck should be.
then I blur the layer mask, so it looks like this:

then duplicated the smudged layer with the layer mask, disable the layer mask (right click on layer, disable layer mask) and set the layer to 50% opacity:

Remember that few copies a while back? (
bring a copy to the top and set it to soft light:

Another colour balance, to up the purple:
midtones: +26 cyan/red -28 magenta/green

Now to add contrast, duplicate the colour balance layer (right click, duplicate layer) and set it to 60%, soft light.

now paint red
over the background and set it to 50% colour.

Don't forget to play around with the numbers, techniques, etc. I hope you learnt a little bit more about your photoshop :)
Questions? Comments? Examples that you've made? haha :) I hope it all made sense!

ps: go join bsgpassiton a continuous icon community competition with a loop of every episode of every season!

goodie: tutorial, maker: iladora

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