Top Fifty!

Mar 09, 2010 22:28

For picspammy's latest challenge.
I did this because, well i had too. And my icons aren't going so well (although i have a batch of help haiti ones coming really soon!)

No particular order, other than airing(ish) order
Some bad language.
This is MY LIST. You want to tell me whats on your list? Link me your picspam!

01.Welcome to the Hellmouth This ep, with its second part had pretty much everything you could ask for in a pilot. I mean it has epic, epic bad guys and girlpower and super sidekickness.

02.Out of Mind, Out of Sight
I love this episode. Not JUST because Clea Duvall is badass, but because i like the moral here. People sometimes get lost. not only because they have no friends, but because they might have too many.

03.Prophecy girl
"I'm 16 years old, i don't wanna die".
WAY TO BREAK MY HEART. I mean gah, this was a final. THIS WAS A FINAL and it was epic. and there was tears, and SMG Shows us just how good she is at crying and buffy shows us that she'll take that prophecy and make it work for her. Girls got Skillz.

I'm a sucker for dress up, but to be honest i love the Willow Storyline. AND Xander looks hot iin army dress up AND Buffy is adorable all meek.

I had to toss up between This ep and surprise. But i chose this one. Mostly becuase there is a ROCKET LAUNCHER. And also, buffy kicks angel in the nads.

06.I only have eyes for you
I love ghost stories. Back in the day, when i only had vhs versions of buffy, and all they had shown in new zealand was season one and two, i had the last five eps of buffy on a vhs. And i watched them over, and over and over. and this ep narrowly beat out Passion, and well...Christopher GORHMAN.

I don't even. anyone who has ever seen btvs will be shocked to see this ep not up here.

08.Lovers walk
EPIC!SPIKE, plus this is where shit gets real. and its pretty. and there are kisses and magic and crazy, and Loneliness of Six is one of my favourite scores on the show.

09.The Wish
Alternate reality? FTW.
Buffy: World is what it is. We fight, we die. Wishing doesn't change that.
Giles: I have to believe in a better world.
Buffy: Go ahead. I have to live in this one.

10.The Prom
There are pretty dresses. and Buffy gets a little toy surprise. And Angel comes and its sweet and lovely.
"We're not good friends. Most of us never found the time to get to know you, but that doesn't mean we haven't noticed you. We don't talk about it much, but it's no secret that Sunnydale High isn't really like other high schools. A lot of weird stuff happens hereBut whenever there was a problem or something creepy happened, you seemed to show up and stop it. Most of the people here have been saved by you or helped by you at one time or another. We're proud to say that the class of '99 has the lowest mortality rate of any graduating class in Sunnydale history, and we know at least part of that is because of you. So the senior class offers its thanks and gives you, uh, uh, this."
It's from all of us, and it has written here, "Buffy Summers, Class Protector".

11.Fear Itself
cept there is also a teeny fear demon.
And Giles in a sombrero.

12.Wild At Heart
Oh, Oz.
Oh, Oz & Willow.

13.Rm w/a Vu
Ok so this is the first Angel ep that had me going YES. because Cordy/Angel, Cordy/Doyle and Doyle/Angel were awesome.
PLUS CORDY WAS LIKE I'M EPIC. I'm from sunnydale and back down to NO GHOST.

Spike: A bear! You made a bear!
Buffy: I didn't mean to.
Spike: Undo it! Undo it!
Its a ritual sacrifice. With Pie

15.i will remember you
OMG. i don't EVEN SHIP B/A like a rabid fangirl should, and yet. This is awesome. and Angel is awesome. and its just plan AWESOME.
(i'm going to turn this post into a drinking game with all the awesomes up in here)

16.Something Blue
SPIKE AND BUFFY ARE ENGAGED. Plus we're dealing with Willow's Pain, and its heartbreaking.

Oh, Doyle. You broke my heart.


19.Parting Gifts
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce: ROGUE DEMON HUNTER.

whats a rogue demon?

20.This Years Girl
I debated about this episode. But i think that unlike many two-parters, this one is needed for the next part. And SMG/Eliza do good. GOOD.

21.Who are You
This is where dollhouse came from.
True story.
Plust there is a bubble bath.

ANGEL SLAPS BUFFY. And i totally rejoice in against-domestic-violence kinda way, because slappings are never ok.

This episode is all kinda of crazy and insance. But there is a CHEESE MAN.

I really, really, really think this episode stands alone well as Angel coming into its own and being and awesome pilot episode. There is goodness here.

:D I like Tara. I like Buffy/Dawn Dynamic, and most of all I lol at Amy Adams.

26.Fool for Love
Gah. This episode is visually cool. And tells spikes story. Which is you know, a plus because there is also sorts of fanged fourness, and the like. YAY.

27.The Trial
Angel/Darla are a pretty un-loved ship, because well..B/A is pretty epic. But you can't really fight with 150 years, and he would DIE for her. (plus Julie is pretty. Why do you have to leave me julie? EVERYTIME).

28.the Body
I can't even comment.

This is possibly one of the best episodes ever.


30.the Gift
I love this final.

Its and all, but still epic. and beautiful. and loving. and heartbreaking.

31.There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb
Plus i had to have at least one episode that is part of us getting Fred.
+10 points for Alyson Hannigan.

32.That Vision Thing
Lilah Morgan: You're a remarkable man, Angel.
Angel: Yeah. And you're an evil bitch.


"It's what he does. Angel's the champion, and Wesley's the brains of the operation, and Gunn's the muscle and Cordy's the heart, and I'm..."

To be fair, this episode may have got in by Wes/Cordys impromptu at the begining. BUT STILL FRED IS AWESOME.

34.Once More, With Feeling
Singing. Nuff said.

35.Tabula Rasa
YEAH. This episode has it.


37.Waiting in the Wings
Angel Investigations goes dress up.
Summer Glau.

Let me repeat, SUMMER GLAU.

Plus its pretty.

Xander and saving the world.

Anya's Story is pretty darn cool. This episode is pretty, its awesome.
And Buffy does her job.

39.Spin the Bottle
Trust me, sweetness. There *no way* this can go wrong.

So I'm an idiot. What are you, perfect?

Oh, Wesley.

40.Conversations With Dead People
I love this episode a lot more than i probably should. I mean it's got Jonathan M. Woodward, And its when the first really steps up it's game.

I really included this because i think that Dawn grows. And isn't as annoying as she once was, and people don't give her credit. And Xander did. and that last scene is epic.

I think i hit about number 26 on this list, and went omg i really need to cut episodes out. And This episode was hard, because i could decide between this and the next episode. But Ultimately? Slayer vs Angelus and Beast WINS.

I <3 Andrew.
I love this episode visually
Its funny. And we need that. Because shit gets real.

I just rewatched this the other day, and i cried through the last 20 minutes. Happy Tears, mostly, mixed with OMGWTFBBQ tears, mixed with YES THATS EPIC tears mixed with OMG HOW DARE YOU, JOSS YOU HEARTBREAKER tears.
Yep. its got 'em all.

This is the life offered to the angel gang. And its kinda..shiny.

46.Life of the Party
I like how we get to see a bit of Lorne. And funny.
And YEAH, Gunn is peeing on things.
And Fred/Wes are adorable.

47.You’re Welcome
Oh, Cordy, you didn't deserve to go out like this.
But you do deserve to be on my list.

48.Smile Time
For realzies.

And cue Fred/Wes Wedding, and happily ever after.

49.A Hole in the World
Lorne: "Winifred Burkle once told me after a sinful amount of Chinese food, and in lieu of absolutely nothing, "I think a lot of people would choose to be green. Your shade, if they had the choice."

That quote, among others BREAKS MY HEART SO VERY MUCH. I mean lets not even talk about the epic Fred/Wesley stuff. I mean even if you don't ship them, I DARE you not to shed a tear. Heartbreaking is what Whedon does for a living, and this is top of my list.

50.Not Fade Away
This is possibly one of the BEST Angel episodes. And I thought that Season five was pretty good, and i'm sad it got canceled here.
But this had the players in action. and Illyria gets a shoutout, because i didn't have any of her eps in this list.
And there are tears.
and Heartbreak
And epic Fight scenes.
And it kinda gives "Chosen" a run for its money on the awesome scale.

Lets go to Work.

no Honorable Mentions because its against the rules, but there are TONS, to be honest. I probably could have made a top 100 and been unhappy :D

come join whedonland to re-live the happy!

goodie: picspam, maker: nowgold

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