Title: An Unexpected Guest, Part 6
Author: sinemoras09
Characters: Peter, Adam/Yaeko
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 877
Spoilers: Season 2
8 Summary: Peter uses Sylar's Intuitive Aptitude and discovers the truth about Adam and Hiro. AU, part 6.
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Comments 21
I love Sylar's power. XD Poor Peter, though, feeling at odds with it. That was handy though. Because I don't know if Peter would have figured it out for awhile. But what happened? Is it that he's risking being hurt...or that he will be hurt eventually do to his lifespan? Or does he feel not worthy?
Sending her back to Hiro will just start things up again...wow. Self-infliction is inflicting.
And is he still planning destruction? Oh Adam, say it isn't so.
Yup, Adam's still planning on releasing the virus, but since it'll kill Yaeko he has to send her away. He loves her too much to risk killing her, so he's hoping Peter will just erase everything and ship her back; he's counting on Hiro to do The Right Thing and send her back to Otsu instead of jeopardizing the timeline by keeping her here.
I think I can finish this off in one more chapter \o/ But now I have to go to the library. *waves* Byee! XD
He's a good guy about to do a v. bad thing then. XD And Hiro to be the better man...I like this, this is a new side to his character. Or rather a more in-depth side to his character.
Yatta. XD
Good luck with the books.
LOL the studying...went not so well XD I ended up at my friend's place playing Halo and manning the headset (it's this huge joke we have--my friend is REALLY good at Halo, so I sit on the headset and smack talk everyone with my girly!girl voice XD LOL!
awww at them sleeping all cuddled up like that ^_^ adam would love having someone to cuddle (esp. after all that time locked up -_-;)
great chapter! i think this is my favorite one!
*runs around in circles*
I was keeping it locked cuz it's a WIP and I keep moving things around between chapters. I'll unlock it now though!! *dances*
ETA: okay, it's unlocked, I proofread like mad and I actually added a whole section to the end of Part 5 that I had edited out originally, but yeah, it's unlocked now \o/ W00t!
I updated my post at TWoP to tell them it's unlocked now. Hopefully some people will stop by!!!
Thank you! Seriously, thank you!!
Awww man, I can't wait to see what will happen!
The whole Oirish!amnesia!storyline never took place: remember in "Four Months Ago" when Elle and The Haitian chase after Adam and Peter? Well the Haitian doesn't pwn peter in this, Peter somehow manages to escape with Adam to Montreal :)
Ahh gothcha!
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I know squills said she rec'd Cougar over there...I didn't realize how many other fic were rec'd! Wow!! I'm so totally flattered, I just write for fun and I'm so glad people like my stuff!!
Thank you so much for leaving such wonderful feedback! I'm totally grinning right now! *glomp*
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