In the previously-mentioned XF story, Mulder, who has swapped places with an AU version of himself, sleeps with AU!Krycek. AU!Krycek is upset about this, as he has cheated on AU!Mulder whom he wuvs so very much, and AU!Mulder is upset with him when he gets back to his proper universe
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Comments 28
If he knew, then yah, that's dirty pool. :)
I don't know how I feel about clone sex, though. I'll have to think about that one.
So. Cheating it is, but not the kind that gets a television show host stabbed. More the kind that becomes an amusing parlor story years later. "Hey, honey, remember when you slept with the me from another dimension?"
Yep, I would agree with that, with the obvious caveat that the AU! person you're sleeping with should also know you're from another universe.
I could get behind this (though I have not read the story in question). In that case, if Mulder believed it was unlikely that he'd ever return home, I would not think of it so much as cheating, as I would think of it as the relationship having been severed. (Much as, if, say, Krycek disappeared for five years, I would not think Mulder was a dirty philanderer for moving on with his life.)
(And this discussion amuses the heck out of me because I'm working with a fic where X and AU!X switch places, and AU!X and AU!Y had been in a relationship, and there's all sorts of complications regarding X/AU!Y and AU!X/Y, and ... yeah. Especially since AU!Y doesn't know -- at least immediately, I'm not sure if he ever gets told -- that X isn't his X, but X is quite aware of it. Lots of wackiness ensues. Except the kind of depressing angsty sort of wackiness.)
(Hey, I'd read that.)
Of course, if my partner and her AU! version could be in the same universe at the same time with me, I think great fun could be had.
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