Multi PT set for you!

Nov 01, 2008 00:06

I made a Multi PT set!! I am so pleased with myself!

I used simgaroop's tutorial, and it was so much easier than I thought it would be!

The other week, I posted about the Severus Snape Butt Babies that I had. Well, I decided they'd make great PTs! I tweaked them a bit in Bodyshop (especially in the case of Lily, because there were three male triplets to begin with!), and I think I've given them a good range of features. I really don't like that super teeny nose and pinched face look, but I wanted them to look like aliens still. I think I did pretty well with them!

So I made up four different sims (all with face template 1, I'm pretty sure!), and impregnated them all. I got a total of 12 babies, and I'm pleased with how they turned out. They're pretty, yet definitely alien looking! I used Maxis clothing for the PTs, and my default alien skin and eyes (which are here for the eyes and here for the skin, though I only switched over to this one today). So as far as I'm aware, your default alien skin and eyes will be what shows.

These are our lovely victims!

Child of Callendula and Harry.

Child of Arthur and James.

Child of Arthur and James.

Child of Darius and Harry.

Child of Bertha and Lily.

Child of Callendula and Lily.

Child of Darius and James.

Child of Darius and James.

Child of Arthur and Albus.

Child of Arthur and Albus.

Child of Bertha and Lily.

Child of Bertha and Lily.

You can get it here. Can someone please try it and let me know if it works for them? It worked fine for me, but I want to make sure that I've done it right! And just remember that you can only have one Multi PT set in at a time, and that it replaces the Maxis PT. Removing the Sim Files when changing Multi-PT sets screws up the family trees.

If anyone is interested in the alien sims that were the result of this experiment, let me know and I can upload them for you.


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