Storyteller Spotlight

Mar 31, 2008 20:00

As part of our revival of this community, we will be bringing back the Storyteller Spotlight. This feature will present interviews with sim storytellers in our community, so we can get to know everyone a little better.

Here's how the Storyteller Spotlight is going to work. There will be an update every Monday. The updates will alternate between the announcement of the interviewee for the upcoming week, and the posting of the actual interview. Once the announcement has been made, members of the community may post their own specific questions for that storyteller in the comments. The storyteller then has a week to answer both the standard set of questions, and the questions that were posted specifically for them.

How does that sound?

The interviews will be open to all who are interested. You can sign up to be included on the waitlist by commenting below or sending me a private message. Feel free to suggest a favourite author too, and we will check with them to see if they are interested in participating.

If you have any questions or comments involving the Storyteller Spotlight, I'm the mod for you! Fire away.

These are the questions that we will ask everyone. They are based on the older set of questions, with some changes.

  1. Tell us about yourself. (What you do for a living, your interests, where you live, your non-sim hobbies, etc.)
  2. Do you have other creative pursuits that affect how you tell your sim stories? (Such as photography, creative writing, etc.)
  3. Why did you start creating and posting sim stories?
  4. Do you use Maxis pre-made sims, original sims, sims based on other sources (TV, movies, books, other games), or some combination of these? Why?
  5. How long does it take you to create a new CAS sim for a story? (If you create original sims, that is.)
  6. Do you have one sim that frustrates you more than any of the others?
  7. Do your sims have their own theme songs?
  8. Do you like using aliens, vampires, zombies or any other non "normal" sims?
  9. Do you usually create backstories for your sims?
  10. If it were possible, would you carry out "romantic interactions" with any of your sims?
  11. Have you ever cried when a sim died? How emotionally attached are you to your sims?
  12. Do you have a favorite character/family?
  13. Are there any stories in particular (sim or non-sim) that have inspired your storytelling?
  14. How do you decide on names for your sims?
  15. Do you use hacks in your game? If so, which ones? How do they affect your stories?
  16. Do you have a favourite EP/SP? Which expansion adds the most to storytelling for you?
  17. Do you make your own custom content?
  18. Do you have a favourite sim outfit or hairstyle?
  19. What are some things that you wish were included in Sims 2, but aren't? (For example - social interactions, the way sims interact with objects, etc.)
  20. How long does it usually take you to prepare a story update?
  21. Show and tell: Please show us your workspace (a photograph, if possible, or just describe it), and tell us about the conditions you prefer to work in. Do you have any bizarre habits or rituals?
  22. Do you usually have your sims act to a pre-written script, just follow what they do, or some of both? what comes first - the text or the image? Is one of the elements more important than the other to you, or are they about equal?
  23. Can you give us any hints about what is coming up in your stories? (Oh, come on...)
  24. In your opinion, what makes a good sim story? What do you like to read in other people's stories?
  25. How often do you check your flist to see if your favourite authors have updated?
  26. Storytelling aside, what first drew you to The Sims? What do you like most about playing The Sims?
  27. How long have you been playing The Sims? Have you been playing since Sims 1?
  28. Do you only play the game with stories in mind, or do you also play just for fun? Do you record everything with photos anyway?
  29. Do you have a self sim? (We'd love to see him/her, if you want to share a pic.)
  30. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Interviewees are encouraged to include as many images as the want to with their interview post.

Previous Storyteller Spotlight interviews can be found here. You should check them out!

In the Storyteller's Spotlight this week is
simgaroop, creator of The Broke Legacy.

Please leave your questions for simgaroop in the comments below.

Have fun!

storyteller spotlight, !mod post

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