Ouroboros Round Robin Legacy: 5.1

Apr 20, 2009 09:26

I'm sososososo sorry for the rushed-ness of this update, but I am about to leave for Auckland to take my aunt to the airport, and I've actually had a social life for the last week, and this next week looks to have one as well, so yeah. I SRY!!!

On to the explanation! This is my generation for the Ouroboros Round Robin Legacy started by bondchick_nett over at fightocrime. I inherited the current heir from simkittensims. ^_^

Within there is LOTS of romantic spam, pregnancy, and glitches.

I spent ageesss on this house, waiting, and watching the heir poll to see who I would get, and then I was given my heir, and moved said heir in...

Who is that? Past the adorable arch of adorableness? IT IS FRY!!!! I can't say I'm surprised he won. XD

Fry is a Knowledge/Fortune sim who wants to be criminal mastermind. I am not at all above using the FT bonus to get him alien preggers while I wait for his destined wife to show up. ;)

*giggles* I'm sorry for the spam, but watching Fry makes me laugh. And so I took pics.


Now I know my Knight Legacy was ageessss ago, and chances are no one remembers, but this is Nutmeg Knight, my generation 4 heiress. She was one of my favorite sims ever, so I asked bondchick_nett and simkittensims if it was ok to marry her to Fry. They said yes! She is also a knowledge sim, and wants to be Mad Scientist. They have compatible personalities, and are three-bolters. ^_^

Even if this picture does not show it. XD


Romantic spam, you say?

Then Nutmeg went home. XD

Fry ran out after her, and got distracted by this teen townie instead.


And then he cooked a meal and made a booty call to Nutmeg. O.o

It may LOOK like these two are at it like rabbits, but I swear Fry is sterile or something. He could NOT get Nutmeg pregnant. And he didn't have baby bells when he got back from the aliens. So I tried insimming him pregnant, nothing happened. New PT hack, and he was, but he hasn't thrown up or anything, and I'm worried.

Nothing like getting engaged on the way to work! *snicker*

Nutmeg: If I keep my eyes closed, my boyfriend will NOT be pregnant. Notnotnot.

Attempt at baby-making number 1432! Result: Fails. >_<

What, when did this happen??

I am so bloody confused. ;_;


Ehhehehehee CUTE!!!

Note to Public: NEVER EVER EVER let sims do couch woohoo on a couch that is on a diagonal. IT IS DISTURBING. O_O


WHAT THE EFF?? How can you go from being in your third trimester to pop into your second???

And Nutmeg's popped, so you SHOULD have given birth.

*forces birth on glitchy baby*

This is Aurelius! A boy with his daddy's eyes (my dark blue defaults are purple) and the PT's black hair and alien skin. ^_^


This is Serena. Girl. All PT's genes. And I have the Pirate McSkittles PT back in my game. XD

All babies this generation are named after characters in Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson's Legends of Dune books. Which, if you are like me, think of as the Butlerian Jihad books. XD


*sighs with relief*


I have no idea what happened with Fry's pregnancy. Aurelius thinks his other parent is NUTMEG, not the PT. Serena is better. She knows who her parents are. XD


ouroboros rr

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