Lucy's Valley: Week One - Cuevas

Jan 01, 2013 12:18


This is Robynne, our resident plantsim. She was made by the lovely voleste and she's excellent.

Her sub is Grilled Cheese and her LTW is...not going to happen, since it requires entirely too much time to have passed, and plantsims are not immortal. This, though, is ok, since I was planning on having her be Lucy's Valley's grower-of-food and first business owner. Plantsims running businesses are beyond easy, but I have a feeling that this will be negated by the NO POWER MEANING NO SUNLAMPS. D: D: D:

Yes, she's a plant with peas on her shirt. Problem?

This is her house, and I'm inordinately proud of it. It feels RIGHT, even though I'm not a fan of single-sim households. There is a reason I chose the play order I did for the settlers. More than one single-sim household in a row? No thank you.

Inside is exceedingly bare, mainly because all she NEEDS is a tub.

Well, and a sunlamp, but that isn't possible and WAHHHH THIS ISN'T GOING TO BE FUN.

Robynne: So, could you like not have crappy fruit, please?

Talking to trees in the rain = filling two needs! O_o

I do not often play plantsims. At least where I actually let them ACT like plantsims.


Fire #2

Annnnd so this happens. Every morning at about 6. Her mood TANKS, and she refuses to do anything other than autonomous actions. And she cancels out of half of those on her own.


Then, at 7, the sun comes up and she does OMG MUST RUN TO SIDEWALK BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUN ANYWHERE ELSE.

By 9, she's still miserable.

And it isn't until 2pm, when her sunlight bar gets COMPLETELY full, that she's useful. While plantsims make businesses easy once you have sunlamps, they're not the most fun when powerless. She's a machine from 2pm to 6am, but the rest of the time? "OMG I'M SO ANGRY AND IN A BAD MOOD I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS. >:["


Oh hallo, Rain.

And hello, Lilly!

I love how these sims are always visiting each other. :3

She's never slept in it, but Robynne's "bedroom" is prettyyyyyy~

So very pretty.

This is an acceptable side use of you time. :D

But first! Plants must be groomed into delicious things to fill all those emptying fridges.

@_@ first dig.

Nest egg for when community lots are unlocked, y/y?

My personal rule for digging up things: Items dug up may be used, but not sold directly from the inventory. They may be sold via business. Treasure chests are exempt from this, since they're essentially money already. Once a "thrift shop" community lot has been placed (and is not player owned), dug up items may be sold from the inventory.

O____o Lucy's Valley was clearly the dumping ground for a lot of pirates.

And on Thursday afternoon, first harvest! :D :D :D

...ok, pirates, you can stop now.

(she digs a fair bit because it is the one thing she won't cancel out of when she's in sunlight desperation)

Nature enthusiasm, maxed!

On Saturday, with enough harvested to make it worth while, BUSINESS TIME, HECK YES.

This is her "business". Counters of produce under an awning. XD

Fittingly, Darryl is her first customer!

Paddie and Rain also make an appearance.


Why is it that getting sales badges is very easy, but it takes FLIPPING FOREVER to get cash register ones?

Fire #3

SRS restocking face.

At the end of the week, this is what her stock looks like. All dug up items were stuck in a pile in the back of the lot for the purpose of this picture. XD

The family taxes are $1250. ($250 for one sim at the lower class tax bracket, and $1000 for her level 1 business)

Playables: 9
Sim Multiplier (SM): 1
Population: 9
Households: 4
Community lots: locked
Utilities: locked
Townies: locked
CAS points: 0
Career slots: 1 (politics - filled)
Home Businesses: 1

family: cuevas, lv:w01, lucy's valley, bacc

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