Lucy's Valley: Week One - Fennel

Dec 18, 2012 09:50

From left to right, we have Lilly (woodenbadger), her brother Myron
(pixelcurious), and his wife Paddie (kathsy).

Lilly is a Pleasure/Knowledge sim who wants to have ALL THE DATES!

Myron is a Knowledge/Family sim who wants to teach the youngins. (which sounds awfully like me, but without the being a male alien. and the education minister part. teacher yes. work in politics? I'd rather be given a nice paper cut and have lemon juice poured on it.)

Paddie is a Popularity/Family sim who wants to do lawmaking things. All of the LTWs for this household are possible in the first generation, woo! Not YET, but soon. :D

They have a cute little house with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen/dining area, and a study/crafting room. Paddie's cauldron is on the back porch, and they have composting things. My plan is that all families will collect compost, and give it to the farming family when each bin gets full.

The house isn't big enough for the inevitable kids, but I don't expect Lilly to stick around for long.

It seems she has similar plans, and is all over the idea of LILLY AND KNOX 4EVA. I wasn't planning on allowing family intermarriage this soon (which is why my big families are all related), but WE SHALL SEE.

Plus Knox (colemariesims) is so darned cute. I think he and Lilly would make excellent babies. >____>

Alden (rio_sims) and Darryl (jens_sims) also turn up for lunch. This was before I loaded the Benson lot and vampified Alden, which is why he's out in sunlight and NOT smelling of bacon.

ORLY. *finger steeple*

I guess she's going to prepare for a baby in another way?

There'ssss my delightful baby want. I'm really looking forward to seeing how Paddie and Myron's faces combine. :3

They got RIGHT down to baby making. Paddie got pregnant BEFORE they rolled the wants, thanks to a little housebreaking ACR.

O_O Since when do pregnant sims not allow their spouse to belly rub?? WHERE ARE MY BELLY RUBS?

Oh. She's one of THOSE sims.

I'm not kidding. Keeping Paddie from motive failure is the hardest sim thing I've done in YEARS. I don't think she ever got a full night sleep. If she went to bed full, she'd be starving by the time her energy was 3/4. O_o

She commandeered Lilly's bed for the duration of her pregnancy, since it is has a much higher energy/comfort level than her own.

She's cute as a button in her boyshorts with her little belly, though. :D

Cute as a buttonnnnn~

HAH! This means that when Darryl becomes a Judge, she can become a lawyer. :D

Lilly's a bit evil, and I love her for it.

Aww, honey, you're glowing! *snerk*

Meanwhile: Lilly and Myron study ALL THE THINGS.

Welcome Taliesin Fennel, first born of Lucy's Valley!

Taliesin is pretty much the best thing to ever thing. Why, you ask? WELL. The Taliesin from Welsh mythology was a wizard and a bard. Our Taliesin? Inherited the witch gene from his mother, meaning he will be a wizard. And his OTH is Music and Dance. COULD HE BE ANY MORE FITTING TO HIS NAMESAKE? I THINK NOT.

Paddie, sweetheart? You and your hubby are the ONLY couple in Lucy's Valley.

Ooopse. >____>

Annnnnd the bushes are on fire. Again. What is WITH this neighborhood and flora fires?

~daily life montage~

Knox stops by, and Lilly DASHES out in her lacy nightie to say OHAI HELLO HELLO.

Oh dear. *still not sold on family blending in week one*

Um, Lilly? YOU aren't a werewolf, so how are you going to manage that?
Lilly: I'd like to try biting him a bunch, for starters.

Oh gads. Oh ACR. Ok, I give in. COULD THEY BE ANY CUTER??

MEANWHILE, Paddie and Myron have no understanding of boundaries.

Oh yes. Each family "brought" a bunch of family photos along for the ride, because I wanted to commemorate the founders and not have to deal with the space taken up by painted portraits.

Aunt Lilly seems more interested than the two sub-family sim parents. XD

Oh LANDS. Could he BE any more perfect??? So he has all the perfect traits to make him just like his namesake, and he's FREAKING ADORABLE. Myron's eyes, skin, and sticky-outy elf ears, both parents' hair, and Paddie's facial features and witchiness. HE IS PERFECTION.

See? He gets a magic book toddler toy to signify that he's going to be a wizard when he grows up. :3

Meanwhile, all the mothering she's been doing for Taliesin have made Lilly decide that she wants one of her own.

Gads, Taliesin. I haven't loved a sim this much in a LONG time. Oh, I loved my Crystal Ridge kids, but I haven't played them properly in a year, and the stuff I did in the interim was ehhhh.


And that is Week One for the Fennels. Nothing new unlocked, except Paddie's eligible for the law career as soon as a slot is opened. The family taxes are $2000.

Playables: 9
Sim Multiplier (SM): 1
Population: 9
Households: 4
Community lots: locked
Utilities: locked
Townies: locked
CAS points: 0
Career slots: 1 (politics - filled)

lv:w01, family: fennel, lucy's valley, bacc

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