New Mods Like No Joke

Jul 21, 2008 22:38

I got so many volunteers so quickly! And then I noticed it... sim_sekritz. Sneaky bastards!

When I fist made this community, I never imagined it would get this big nor was I imagining it would go in this direction. Frankly, I'm not really interested in all the wank. The people who do enjoy it, however, should get what they want. That said, I've decided to just hand this community to sim_sekritz so that the original can be run by people who really care about it, rather than deal with whatever one would have to deal with if... I don't know; I have a headache. xD

So, in addition to the other three mods being on the outs, I am too! No hard feelings and I'll still be around as a spectator. Hope ya'll enjoy. <3

*goes to figure out which buttons to push to hand this shit over*
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