A very long time ago, I posted my version of Strawberry Shortcake's cat,
Custard, who I created for a now long-deleted themed hood I had. When I created her, I actually also created Strawberry Shortcake's dog, Pupcake. Though I didn't remember him/her from the cartoons of my childhood, searching for pictures of Custard online to work with caused me to stumble across Pupcake, whom I found equally adorable immediately. Sorry about the first two small pictures - I took them back when I was very new to taking pictures in game and I'm frankly too lazy to create a family with both and take nicer pictures now just for a pet breed upload.
Pupcake is meant to be a small breed, but in making him/her I found that I liked the look better as a large breed. However, I never remembered to delete the original small breed I'd made from my pet breeds folder. I only remembered when I had a couple of small ones randomly generate as strays in Legacyville and Abandoned Cove. One of those, a stray named Papoose, became somewhat notorious in the first generation of
The Fennell Legacy, and several other simmers commented on him often enough that I remembered to extract both versions for upload. Today I have finally got around to remembering to actually upload them!
Both large and small breeds are included in the .rar file. He'll require blue fur to be unlocked to show up properly, but I'm sure you all know how to do that by now.
ADOPT PUPCAKE (BOTH SMALL AND LARGE) Policy: Do what you like, but please do not claim him as your own creation.