Rules, FAQs and More

Jun 11, 2009 20:53


Welcome to sims_anon, a Sims Anonymous Kink Meme, and the place that aims to fulfill all your sexy Sims-fic desires.


1) Pick a pairing, any pairing at all. It can be Pre-made Sims pairings or Sims from somebody else’s legacy or any other variation you can think of as long as the pairing/ot3/whatever consists of Sims.
2) Pick a kink. Here’s a master list: Kinks!
3) Make sure your post is anonymous and that you’ve listed both a kink and a pairing.
4) Reply to other’s requests! Be sure to post the completed fic in a reply to the original comment. Do NOT post a new comment.
5) For every request you make at least TRY to fill out someone else’s request.


1) Basically, don’t be an asshole. Respect other people’s kinks/pairings/etc.  If you disagree or are squicked out by what somebody requested, just move on past it.  You don't have to read anything you don't want to.  You don't even have to join or look at this comm at all if you don't want to.

2) Thank the person who fills your request! Give feedback! You don’t have to say a lot, but just be appreciative and kind and if you stumble across someone’s post that really made your day, tell them so!

3) If something you would like has already been requested multiple times, just second the request or fill it out yourself. Do not request it again!

4) You don’t have to give warnings, but if you feel like one is necessary for what you’ve written, go ahead and add one.

5) Don’t spam the meme post with a bunch of super similar requests one after another. Yes, it’s anonymous, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be able to tell when someone is being ridiculous about requesting.

6) Yes, you may post pictures to accompany your fic replies. But please try and put a limit on how many pictures you use and be sure to size them down appropriately. Let’s say a limit of 5 pictures per response and the pictures themselves must be no wider than 600 pixels.

7) Prompts which reference children will be deleted, as even fictional writing about this subject is considered child pornography in some countries (ex. Canada). Teen characters are okay as long as they are assumed to be above the age of consent. Do not tiptoe the line. Your post will be deleted.


1) Any premade Sim from The Sims 1-3 may be used in a pairing at any time. They are the Sims ‘canon’ and definitely all right to use. (ex. Ripp Grunt, Bella Goth, Puck Summerdream, Etc.)

2) Any pairing that uses a Sim who is NOT an premade Sim must have a source of backstory/information on said Sim. The Sim’s background/personality doesn’t have to be super detailed or well documented, but you can’t just plunk down a picture of a CAS sim you made and say: “WRITE THIS PLEASE.”

Also, I would suggest linking to the background/info/story for the Sim you choose. Especially if it’s from something obscure that not a lot of people have read.

3) You MAY use Sims from legacies, sim stories, etc. Basically any Sim is fine as long as they have some sort of basis and previous existence outside of the kink meme. It doesn’t have to be your own legacy/story/whatever either.

4) You may NOT use:
a) Anyone’s simself (No popular legacy player’s simself/other popular legacy player’s simself or anything like it.)
b) Sims based on real people (If you like RPF, go find an RPF kink meme!)
c) Sims based on fictional people (No Naruto Sims/Hey Arnold! Sims/Final Fantasy Sims/Etc. There are probably kink memes dedicated to those fandoms anyway.)

faq, intro, rules

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