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Comments 79

hoobastankie July 1 2004, 01:01:16 UTC
Hi, I was looking through the disneyclassic community and I came across your mood icon sets. I was reading the tutorial about how you do them, and I am confused on the beginning. Once I am all done finding pictures and getting the links, and etc for them, do I post that link into the "other" box next to moods, and then it shows up? Thanks in advance if you can help with this.


simplystated July 1 2004, 06:26:40 UTC
=) To post the moods post the link etc. directly IN TO your journal entry before starting it. I.E. I put mine at the very very top and then hit enter to space away from it and make it look more realistic =) Or, some people choose to put them at the bottom of their entires. Hope that helps! If not, feel free to ask any more questions!


hoobastankie July 1 2004, 12:57:16 UTC
OK, so if I put it at the top, would I kinda make it look like this?


then journal entry here


simplystated July 1 2004, 13:18:25 UTC
yeah pretty much, may wanna hit enter one more time just to give it a little more space, but yep =) you've got the idea!


hi so0trendy July 8 2004, 09:15:44 UTC
hi i know you dont know me but i was looking around at livejournals and noticed all the disney stuff you had...i too LOVE disney...and i was wondering if you had a little mermaid mood set, and if you did...how may i go about getting it...if you were willing to give it to me that is :) im kinda computer illiterate haha...well thanks :)



Re: hi simplystated July 8 2004, 09:18:45 UTC
lol as a matter of fact I do have a TLM mood set and I'd be more than happy to give it to you! Here's a link to my website you can get to the moods from there =) :


there's a tutorial for if you have a free account, if you need any help just send me a message!

Must say btw, I LOVE your icon!


buttercup31 August 14 2004, 13:47:14 UTC
I saw your post in ipod and noticed your icon (which I love) so I checked out your profile and thought I would invite you to my community charmedfans.


jungle_kitty August 17 2004, 19:17:03 UTC
hi, i was looking at your instructions on how to create a mood set for lj free accounts (the site said to post question on your journal) and i m just confused about the use of photobucket. if i shrink down movie stills for my mood set, and then try to upload them on photobucket, does that go against their copyright rules? or am i just being anal rententive about it?

sorry if this question is dumb.


simplystated August 17 2004, 19:19:48 UTC
no no your question isn't dumb. I don't think it goes against copy right laws because you're not distributing the images for profit, nor are you passing them off as your own. Photobucket knows that people are going to upload images like these all the time, I wouldn't worry about it if they were going to come after you they'd have to go after practically every user in photobucket. They realize you're just uploading the images for personal use, not for public distribution. I think you're safe =) if you're worried about it though you can always make the account private so that only you can access the images and then you dont have to worry at all.


jungle_kitty August 18 2004, 15:51:01 UTC
thanks :)


Hey.. its tropicalgirl ex_tropical548 August 26 2004, 19:25:03 UTC

Is there anyway you can make a layout like yours, but with Holly Marie Combs? If not let me know.

I was wondering if you make icons also?


Re: Hey.. its tropicalgirl simplystated August 26 2004, 19:30:29 UTC

sure I can make it like mine, mine has HMC too lol, just doesn't look like her I guess. Is there any particular picture of her you had in mind? And did you want there to be any text or anything like mine has?

ALso lol, what colors did you want the text and background and scroll bars to be etc. =) the more details you give the better it looks

I do make icons, they aren't that great but if you had something in mind I can sure try =)


Re: Hey.. its tropicalgirl ex_tropical548 August 27 2004, 13:34:08 UTC
I don't know what pictures to even look for. Do you think you could surprise me with some? I would also like a banner for my friends only post where to comment thing. I would like it to say.. "You'll never know what the future might bring.." Comment to be added. Something like that.

I was thinking about the background to be purple & the scroll bars to be violet. Text, blue violet or something that matches but is able to read. You know what I mean?

Are you going to send me the code when everything is all finished?

And can the background images be with Leo & her from the episode that the darklighter put them in the Ghostly World. I forget the name title. And a full picture of her.

If its confussing for you you can e-mail me @ kirsteelea@hotmail.com

Sorry this took so long, I've been busy working.


Re: Hey.. its tropicalgirl simplystated August 31 2004, 18:56:34 UTC
Hey I'm getting ready to get started on your layout (sorry it took so long I've been sooo busy) and I just wanted to know what you wanted to have in your side bars. If there were links or buttons or quotes or icons or anything like that that you wanted. You can take a look at mine to get an idea =)

Lemme know when you get a chance so I can add everything in!


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