No Other Choice, Chapter 2/6

Aug 12, 2008 14:28

Title:  No Other Choice
Author:  SimplyShanni
Beta:  None. All mistakes are mine and mine alone.
Disclaimer:  This is a work of pure fiction. It has been written solely for fun, not for profit. No disrespect is meant to the actual individuals represented here and I make no claims about their sexual orientation in real life.
Pairing:  Orlibean
Genre:  ( Read more... )

author: simplyshanni, fic: no other choice

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Comments 28

vienna80er November 25 2008, 22:02:23 UTC
Finally a bit of a clearing of air. I hope they have their talk soon, clear things up and make way for their future.

Enjoy your vacation, have a good time and take care. *hugs*


simplyshanni November 25 2008, 22:51:12 UTC
I'm glad things are becoming a bit more clear to you, Barbara. :D Thank you for your feedback and for the good wishes!




giselleslash November 25 2008, 22:28:02 UTC
You know, darling, you can always post chapter 3 EARLY *winks* Have fun on your vacation though *g*

Now all we need to do is shove that damn Beanie toward Orlando and make him fess up so everyone can live happily ever after, yeah? :D


simplyshanni November 25 2008, 23:09:11 UTC
Hi Gigi! *snorfle* Yeah, between now and then, I have a bajillion loads of laundry, one Christmas present project, the decorating of two Christmas trees, seven double batches of cookies and six different kinds of fudge to complete, so I don't think so. But thanks for wishing me a happy vacation! After the year we've had, my family and I really plan on making the most of it!

*grins* We'll have to see about that. Beanie IS a stubborn git, though, isn't he, ;D? Gotta love him!

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, hon!




giselleslash November 25 2008, 23:49:11 UTC
Is that all? Come on! You can do it *g*

Hell, it was worth a try ;P

You definitely enjoy your time away *hugs*


simplyshanni November 26 2008, 06:16:03 UTC
Yeah, it WAS a nice try! You keep living in that little fanatasy world, hon! *lol*

Thanks again and *huggles*


liriel1810 November 26 2008, 06:37:09 UTC
Awww! Vig is being the best of friends to both Sean AND Orlando.

I like the way he was considerate enough to not even mention Sean casually until after dinner. At least Orlando was able to relax enough to eat, although I'm sure he thought his dinner was going to come right back up again once Viggo mentioned talking about Sean.

It's definitely a fine line that Viggo has to walk between not betraying Sean's confidence, and yet giving Orlando enough hope that it will all work out... eventually. And may I say that he's doing it with style and panache.

Here's hoping the 'kick in the arse' yields some excellent results!

And now...

would normally be posting an update next Tuesday but I'm leaving for a week of vacation on Monday. I'm really sorry, but this means everyone will have to wait an extra week for Chapter 3. *hugs to you all*

WHAT? What do you mean, wait an extra week!? *pouts* What about posting on Sunday instead? *sniffle*

I hope you have a lovely holiday, hon. *huggles*


simplyshanni November 26 2008, 16:10:06 UTC
Hi there, sweetie! I'm so pleased you like Viggo in this! It's actually pretty much how I picture him in real life. Very honorable and caring, but with a goofy, off-beat vibe and a wacky sense of humor.

Yeah, poor Orlikins! He's been on a real emotional roller coaster and any mention of Sean was bound to set him off!

*blushes* Style and panache? Thank you! That's one of the nicest compliments I've ever received!

Well, Seanie CAN be very stubborn! He needs a bit of a kick now and then! *g*

Yep, sorry, but an extra week is what it will have to be, especially with Thanksgiving on Thursday thrown into the mix of EVERYTHING ELSE I have to accomplish before Monday! *pats Liriel consolingly and offers one of the ginger cream cookies that got baked yesterday*

Thank you SO MUCH, hon! Your good wishes and ESPECIALLY all the lovely feedback that you left mean the world to me! *snugglehugs*


liriel1810 November 27 2008, 04:19:51 UTC
Oooh, ginger cream cookies? Yum!

Now, why aren't you posting this lovely story on bean_in_bloom? Not everyone who is a member of BiB is also a member of Orlibean. *spanks you*


simplyshanni November 27 2008, 16:35:43 UTC
Ginger cream cookies indeed, but I have a few more done now so you can also have glazed cranberry orange hermits, iced lemon butter cookies or peanut blossoms too! ;D Still have three other double batches to make, then it's time to start on the fudge! Sheesh!

Sorry, I've been lax about that! I'll see what I can do! *hugs*


rinakabu November 27 2008, 00:36:03 UTC
Great chapter, I love Viggo in that one. And Seanie really needs that kick in the arse from Viggo.
But do you really let us wait an extra week? *whines* If you don't post soon can I have cookies too, for comfort? :)


simplyshanni November 27 2008, 16:25:59 UTC
Thank you, hon! I'm happy you enjoyed the chapter and that you liked Viggo. I think of him as a really nice guy in real life so that's how I wrote him here. And you're right, Sean did need a little kick to get him in gear, and Vig was just the man to do it!

Sorry about the extra week of waiting, sweetie, but between now and Monday, I'm swamped by RL! *gives you a hug of apology* Of course you can have a cookie! Would you prefer ginger creams, iced lemon butter cookies, peanut blossoms or cranberry orange hermits? You can even have one of each, if you'd like. *adds an extra cuddle and hopes that makes it up to you*


rinakabu November 28 2008, 13:55:18 UTC
Don't worry sweetie! You don't have to apologize for RL. I'm busy too!
Can I have a cookie of each? I love cookies *g*


simplyshanni November 28 2008, 16:19:07 UTC
Thanks for understanding. And sure, here's your cookies. Hope you enjoy 'em! ;D


ireth06 December 9 2008, 19:32:29 UTC
I can not believe I missed 3 (THREE!) chapters!
Well I caught up with this one and I love my Ranger meddling in co-sta'rs' relationships!

Lovely hun, can I have Orlando's dessert? *yum!*

Thanks for sharing!
*hugs and kisses*

Runs off to chapter 3! .....


simplyshanni December 9 2008, 19:47:44 UTC
Hi hon! No worries about missing a chapter. I know it's hard to keep up with all the fic that's out there!

So glad you enjoyed Viggo here! He seems like such a great guy, so that's how I wrote him!

I'm sure Orli won't mind since he really is too full to appreciate the sheer yumminess of ice cream with strawberries and homemade chocolate sauce right now! And I bet Vig would love to share with you! *g*

*hugs and kisses back atcha, sweetie*



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