BAD foster kitty picture-poster, BAD BAD! Yesterday there were SEVEN kittens here!!!

Oct 26, 2009 00:28

So, when I last posted, a month ago, I had five foster kittens, the Stache family, and the newly acquired Dora (Dusky's littermate)

The 'Staches were mostly weaned, just one VERY stubborn Nostache:

And Dora was starting to warm up, but still pretty scared at times. But OH so cute in the mini-beds from ugotogal:

And Kiwi, being her wonderful mama-self, was loving on them and helping us sweeten them up.

All was well in the world of kitten land! Five kittens, all nearly weaned, that's practically no work compared to when they all needed bottle feeding!

And then, even better, we found a wonderful home for the girl 'staches! Together! Pretty Masky (now Mazie) and Sabrina:

Sure, they'd miss sunning on the laundry pile with Dora...

But they went together!

And then I got a text from Amanda, "call me at work" I was concerned at first, and then realized it had to be more kittens! She told me she was going to make up for all the hard-to-adopt black and black and white kittens she kept getting me, because she had TWO sets of SUPER CUTE kittens she was probably getting. A few hours later she showed up with the cutest freakin' calendar foster kittens I've ever had. Apparently the mama dropped these kittens off at some lady's door. She had done it before, and thinking they were SO cute and adoptable, she brought them to the shelter thinking they'd TOTALLY get adopted. They were euthanized three days later, unadopted. She was crushed, and desperate not to have it happen again, so she somehow found Amanda. Anyway, Amanda walked from her car with these little ones draped over one arm, like little limp rags:

"We belong on calendars"

Cupcake says she belongs on January, by herself:

Also in April:

Muffin wants to be part of May:

And would like a solo for July, please:

But they do like posing together, so they're up for a reunion in September or so:

Oh wait - didn't I say she was getting TWO sets of two? She was originally going to bring me the other two, from Dusky's colony on the same day with the fluffies. Apparently they are from Dusky's grandmother's new litter (sighs - we're still trying to get some more of the mamas trapped/spayed/released - don't get me started) and were reportedly very siamese looking. (We get told that a lot about cats who don't have a lick of siamese in them). The woman who had found Dusky had been fostering these two (and their two black littermates) and said she couldn't part with them on Sunday as planned, and she'd give them to Amanda to foster and rehome on Tuesday. Amanda and I both figured she was no longer fostering, but was owning the kittens - but lo and behold, on Tuesday, in tears, the woman turned them over to Amanda. Amanda kept the two black ones, and brought me two meezer mixes!!!

They fit in faster than any fosters I've ever brought in - especially since they're a little older. Within an hour they were very nearly one of the gang!

Nostache never met a kitty he didn't want to be playmates with!

The girl has a very silly face. Her eyes are just a tiny bit too close together, and her brown mask doesn't quite go out on the edges like it seems like they should. She is sweeter than you can imagine though, so she totally carries off the funny face in person. David named her Scrunchy because of her scrunched in face:

She wants in on the calendar action. August is fine with her.
"HEY! Are you guys okay with sharing the calendar?"

"You'll have to paw-wrestle us for a spot!"

Meanwhile, her brother Shortcake (he has legs that are just SLIGHTLY too short, although he doesn't know it, so shhhhh!) is also a complete love! If there's anything cuter than a grown man being googly-faced with a kitten, I don't know what it is!

The meezers are SOOOOO sweet and when it's bedtime, they're RIGHT there for the snuggles!

As sweet as they are, like any kittens, they are Agents of Entropy. My backpack wasn't down on the floor for very long before it was occupied. "What?! I'm not doing anything!"

"La la la la la... I'm not here ... you can just take me to school like this... la la la"

And two minutes later, he was out, and one of the fluffies was in!

If you're wondering if I'm getting covered in white cat fur these days - wonder no more!

I love how you can hardly even see Nostache's face in this - just his nose.

It isn't ALL about cuddling with me. Don't forget Kiwi - who is just one of the best foster-mamas anywhere!

Dora says, "hey! wait - I wasn't done snuggling!"

And sometimes they just collect in cute ways without pinning me to the bed. Cupcake has something to say here!

Or they play on top of cat trees. Poor Muffin manages easily to get up there, but whines like a baby for help to get back down. Shortcake flies up or down with equal ease.

Whoops - pinned to the bed again. Muffin is pretty sure I'm not doing a proper job of cleaning myself, so she helps sometimes.

When we have this many kittens, my camera is often just sitting around on the bed. This invariably leads to my teenager picking it up and leaving me surprises like this. In turn, I feel compelled to post them on the internet. He keeps doing this, so I suspect this is what he had planned all along. Maybe.

Okay - were you keeping track? That's SEVEN kittens in the house all week! During this time David's paternal grandmother, who had been waiting for us to get a pair of sisters, saw the meezers and decided that she'd go for it, even though Shortcake is a boy. She's very excited! We're excited too, because she doesn't want delivery until after Thanksgiving - which means we get to enjoy them, adoption-worry free, for a month! Also, one of my repeat kitten-adopters, my dear friend tenacious_snail heard me talking about Nostache, and how VERY sweet and special he is, and how much he reminded us of Bugalu, her first adoptee from us, and decided to adopt him too! She had met him a month or so ago when he was quite small, and yesterday she came up with the lovely the_ogre to get rekittened!

Adopting a specific kitten gives zero immunity to other kittens.

I brought all the kittens downstairs to visit, since, I mean - KITTENS! Here is our kitten tree, upon which we ripen our kittens.

You can see almost everyone playing here on the_ogre's boot. Boots are very good toys (ooooh laces!) and perches! That's Mimzy with the orange mousey!

Gooooood perch, goooooood toy!

Awww - lookit him lighting up with kitten love! Again - few things compare to big grown men all googly over tiny kittens! If you could only hear the PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR on that kitten, for real!

No, really ... seriously cute.

GAH! Sleepy kitten! Fluffitude of cuteness!

"Hey! What's at the top!?!?"

Finally, tenacious_snail snuggled her kitten, and got ready to leave. He is VERY special, and was hard to say goodbye to - but he's already doing GREAT at his forever home, and it makes me ridiculously happy to have THREE of my kittens rehomed with her!

Okay, phew! Maybe next time I won't wait so long to post, huh? ;)
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