We have 27, in total! They threw in an extra Cornish X Rock. One of the layers isn't looking too happy, but the rest are all perky, peepy, and full of peppy energy! And the CUTE!!!
I went to the post office, and was handed a very peepy, noisy box! The whole line was intrigued, and I stopped to show the two little kids who were with their moms in line.
David was waiting in the car, with the heater cranked. Our first peek, together:
Box o FLUFF!
Back home, about to open the box...
We started moving them into the box, counting as we went... one lone little chickee... She probably has no clue what to do with all that space!
All fluff, all the time!
We first put them all in one box:
The red hue is from the heat lamp. As you can see, it's pretty crowded.
So we separated the egg-layers from ... the rest ;) The rest are already a little bigger than the layers, and will be outgrowing them even more, soon. Better they should be on their own :)
Oh ... the cute factor is intense on this picture!
The yellow peeps are pretty cute, themselves! And they really do love their food! They'll be growing FAST, as predicted!
Look at the pretty markings! You can't see the fluffy feet there, but that's the Black Cochin, which is currently often dubbed "Puffy Pants"
fluffy yellow peep!
Fluffy Chick hineys!
They're hungry, too, actually!
A boy and his chicks!
Look at the fluffy feet!!!
I really have to remember to take the pics from further away if I'm using the flash!
"Run away, run away!"
Group shot!
David is VERY happy! Today's school is all about chicks - anything else was kind of pointless!
That one with the grey/white fluff, just left of center, is the one we think is the free rare chick. We think she's
, but we aren't sure. It'll be fun to try to figure it out!
Look at the pretty markings!
Sleepy time!
And just one for scale: