Title: Your Eternal Sin
Chapter: The Place I Call Home
Author: Nora [
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series
Characters/Pairing: VampTara/VampLindsey, Angel
Prompt: 7 - Pride
Big Damn Table: [
Word Count: 1638
Rating: NC- 17
strangecreature, whom I’m forever indebted to
Disclaimer: I don’t own them - I wish I did - Joss is apparently god. I’m just borrowing them for my own amusement and your entertainment.
Author's Notes: If you like Lindsey/Angel I think you’ll like this chapter; I had way too much fun writing the two together. This chapter is for Meg; I couldn’t not end my wicked little tale without the bane of Lindsey’s existence.
Wow, my little series has come to an end. I have to say I’m a little sad about it, but there’s always another time and another place. It’s been a really long time since I’ve done a full fledged fic and finished it. Thank you for all the feedback and encouragement for this piece.
The Place I Call Home
There was Darla; then again there would always be Darla. He used to feel his blood boil then run cold at the mention or thought of her, but not any more. He’s not sure when but he started to become fond of her memory, simply knowing that it was because of her that he was able to take care of the beautiful creature sleeping next to him. The one that he gave his life to - willingly - and chose to walk the earth with till the end of time.
He stared out into the darkened room, listening to the lulling quiet that he was used to around here. No sounds of breathing, no heartbeats and nothing to remind him of his life before. In his mind he had nothing before Tara came into his life.
Reflecting on things he couldn’t help but be proud of himself even as conceited as that might be. Then again he was a soulless vampire because of her.
Lindsey watched as his beautiful sire slept; her alabaster skin reflecting softly in the moonlight. His mind flickered around like a picture show, flashing images of his life when he the only thing his heart beat for was anger and vengeance.
Even after he was turned, Lindsey’s lust for vengeance didn’t subside; in fact it grew at the thought of Angel.
He had snuck out of his L.A. apartment with Tara and decided to pay the elder vampire a visit. Lindsey was hell-bent on proving to Angel that he was more then the ‘tiny Texan’ he once was, a name he was so fond of calling Lindsey.
“Angel, how nice of you to show up.” Lindsey sneered at him, standing in front of the small half-covered cage he brought into the Hyperion filled with a tied up ‘welcome back’ present Lindsey acquired for himself. “I was beginning to think you were never gonna to show.”
Lindsey’s arms were crossed over his chest, his snakeskin boots making marks their heels into the tile floor. He also wore a button down shirt that covered up the tattoo’s he once needed to protect himself from the firm.
“Lindsey.” His tone was cold, Angel’s eyes narrowing as he looked Lindsey over, knowing he had a reason to be here. It was just a matter of what that was. Angel’s eyes grew dark, sizing up the smaller man and knowing something was different about him. He was dressed the same, Lindsey still had that demeanor about him that made him think he was better than Angel was. When their eyes met, one thing did surprise Angel about Lindsey, there was no fear in them anymore, just pure hatred.
“Angel.” Lindsey smirked darkly, both men in a silent battle of ‘I can be more stoic then you,’ a page out of the childish chapters of their twisted relationship.
“Why are you here?” His tone was flat, making it obvious that he wasn’t in the mood for small talk.
“What? No hello? After all, it’s been a while…”
“Not long enough.” Angel took a few steps towards the man, noticing the cage behind him but unable to see what was inside.
“Now, now. No peeking there, champ.” Lindsey shifted just enough to block the man’s gaze.
“Why are you here?” They were no more than three feet apart, just out of arms reach but close enough to feel the anger they shared. “No games,” Angel added after a small pause.
“Thought I’d come and show you the new me…” Lindsey’s eyes flashed yellow, watching as Angel finally clued in on what was going on. He never was the sharpest tool in the shed.
“Well now, that changes things.” Angel smirked, letting a dark laugh pour from his lips. “You know now I’m gonna have to stake you…”
“See, I know you won’t. You never did have it in you to finish me off. You’ve had plenty of chances.” Lindsey laughed and his pupils dilated with hate. “Even left me with Darla for her to do your dirty work. Now you tell me, what kind of a champion does that?” With one quick movement Lindsey shot his foot out, landing it square in Angel’s throat and sending the dark haired vampire sprawling onto the floor. “I mean c’mon, sending a woman to do your job? That doesn’t say champion. That says wimp.”
Angel grunted as he got to his feet. “You shouldn’t have come back.”
“And here I thought you would have missed me.” Lindsey flexed the muscles in his fingers, clenching and unclenching his fists as he prepared himself for the fight he knew was coming.
“So who’s the idiot that sired you? They must make Dru look like she’s all there.” Angel watched as Lindsey’s eyes darkened even more and found himself meeting a hard right hook in his jaw. “Guess I hit a nerve. Must be a girl. Is it true love?” he mocked, getting pleasure in knowing he could so easily get under Lindsey’s skin. Taking his moment of distraction, Angel side kicked Lindsey in the ribs, sending him crashing back into the reception desk, watching as he momentarily fell to his knees on the floor.
“She’s better than either one of you euro-trash vampires could ever -.” He found himself on the receiving end of another punch to his jaw, Angel smirking over him and gripping him by the shirt. “Get off me!” Lindsey tasted blood in his mouth and spit it in Angel’s face, shoving the older vampire off of him.
Angel’s brow quirked in interest. “Are you talking about Spike? You’re telling me that Spike sired a girl and by some psychotic twist of fate she sired you and by the look in your eyes you’re in love with her?” Angel’s tone was sarcastic and filled with amusement, only succeeding in making Lindsey fill with even more fury. “Never did think that Spike was all there...”
“Finally; one thing we agree on,” Lindsey snorted, licking the blood from his lip, advancing towards Angel again, making sure to keep the fight away from Angel’s weapons cabinet. “She’s on to bigger and better things now.”
“Better than Spike, that’s about all you got. Bigger…I wouldn’t say that shrimp,” Angel taunted, his fist flying out to connect with Lindsey’s jaw but ended up in Lindsey’s hand instead.
Lindsey’s eyes grew dark, grinning as he gripped Angel’s fist in his hand, using his strength to make the bones in Angel’s hand crack as he broke them one by one.
Growling and hissing, Angel brought his other fist hard into Lindsey’s stomach, sending them both back onto the floor and Lindsey crashing into the cage.
A snarl was heard from inside the cage, startling Angel to look but only getting a knowing smirk from Lindsey. “I’m tired of this fighting. I might as well have my homecoming surprise and leave.” Lindsey let his face change, his bones shifting and pulling to reveal the new side of him. He slowly moved his tongue over his fangs, still tasting the sweetness of his last victims’ blood on his tongue. “After all I do have my wicked girl to go back to.”
Angel stood stoic and tried to size up the situation, his eyes narrowing as he watched Lindsey step behind the covered cage. “Am I supposed to cower now?”
“No,” his smirk was dark and cruel, savoring every moment and knowing he was going to enjoy Angel’s pain even more. “You are now.” With that he pulled the sheet away and kicked the back hatch to the cage, watching as the latch on the front pop off and the contents inside come bounding out.
“Oh god.” Angel muttered in disbelief, every human emotion that still lived inside him twisting with agony. “Cordelia…”
Lindsey thought that if Angel could he would have paled then, but the look in his eyes was satisfaction enough for him to know his mission was accomplished. “Now that’s what I missed.” Cocking his head to the side, Lindsey looked at Angel, letting the sheet drop to the floor as he made his way towards the rear door. “Thanks for the welcome home, Angel.”
He always regretted not staying to see the fight, from what Lindsey knew vampires who were sired and kept without food for a week ended up ravenous and more or less insane. The sun was on its way up and it would have ruined his exit to end up going to Tara crispy.
Tara was furious when she found out, yelling at him and getting more upset than he’d ever seen her. Later Tara told Lindsey she was afraid of Angel because she knew how quickly he could take him from her. Lindsey knew then that he couldn’t be as careless as he would have liked; he was a vampire, not invincible. But he was glad he had his bit of revenge on the one man that made the last few years of his life hell.
Shifting in the bed, Lindsey looked down at Tara, running the back of his hand over her arm. He knew the hell was worth it because it brought him here, to this place and this moment. Lindsey had survived working at Wolfram and Hart; he survived the massacre in the wine cellar. He had come from nothing in Oklahoma to a lawyer headed straight for the top, destined to surpass even Holland. But things didn’t happen that way; they never happened how he planned. It didn’t matter, he was proud of himself that he survived it and that he made it this far, even though it was without a heartbeat.
Regardless of what happened in their life - now or another hundred years from now - he was always sure of one thing. She was the place he would always call home.