Title: Human Dreams Author: simply_aly Fandom: The Vampire Diaries Pairing/Characters: Matt/Katherine Rating: PG Word Count: 670 Summary: Matt discovers Katherine understands the importance of family. A/N: For a challenge on tombofchallenge.
Title: Too Late Author: simply_aly Fandom: The Vampire Diaries Pairing/Characters: Elijah/Katherine Rating: PG Word Count: 165 Summary: The moment her eyes met Elijah’s, she was ever the wide-eyed innocent again. A/N: For a tvd_rareshipsComment Fic Party prompt by sablize. Originally posted HERE.
Title: Of Webs and Weaving Author: simply_aly Fandom: The Vampire Diaries Pairing/Characters: Caroline/Damon/Katherine Rating: PG Word Count: 435 Summary: Katherine catches Damon and Caroline and wants to discuss connections. A/N: For a tvd_rareshipsComment Fic Party prompt by vega_of_lyre. Originally posted HERE.