To make things a little more organized, claiming decks for donations will have its own separate post. Actual donations with download links to receive awards must be sent on the
Deck Donations post.
If you wish to donate images for decks, please claim them here ahead of them to give you sufficient time to collect images without someone else claiming the deck before you get to. I also tend to make various decks randomly, so this post is to also keep me from possibly making it before you get to donate it.
To claim, please comment under the thread for each respective month. Type what you are donating in the subject line, with the type of deck (character or music), the name of the series, and the name of the character/song. (I will claim first to show how it should look like). This way it's a bit more organized and easier for other members to go through. Please have a separate comment per claim.
You may claim up to two characters and two songs per month. You will have until the end of the month to donate your claims. After that, the claims will be reset and you will have to make your claim again for the following month.
You are allowed to change your mind and delete one of your claims in place of a new one, but try not to do this so often.
You do not have to wait for me to approve your claim in order to make your donation.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the FAQ thread below.