Maplecliffe BACC, Week 9: Storybook

Sep 07, 2015 11:51

Let's start the week off with Gabriel and Rephaim becoming besties!

Whew! All that being nice to his kid was hard work! Time to take care of himself now.

Gabriel's excited to learn more about his galactic relatives.

Ooh! Libby (simsforaranya) is pregnant again!

WTF, flari's Dima? I'm pretty sure no one in the family has ever even met you, so I'm not sure what your problem is.

Poor Libby. Pregnancy is tough on her.

But at least she's made it to the second trimester! That first trimester is always the worst. I'm always terrified that they're going to miscarry.

And another day has gone by with nothing happening. Time for baby!

Aww, an adorable baby boy named Kalona!

Who immediately gets thrown to the ground so that Libby can do a little gardening.

Gabriel impresses the masses (or at least this neighbourhood guy) with his mad yoga skills.

And Alliston comes home from school with Rephaim! She is so adorable. XD

Not only does Gabriel mind that Kalona is on the floor, but apparently he doesn't mind that verocchio's Aquamarine is kicking him in the head.

He's okay though! And it's time to grow up!

Toddler Kalona! He looks a hell of a lot like his cousin Stevie Rae. Weird.

Well, at least Gabriel pays attention to one of his sons.

Rephaim plays with Kalona since their parents won't.

Birthday time!

Teen Rephaim is cute! He rolled Family/Romance and wants to be education minister. Super doable!

And we end with Gabriel finally acknowledging Kalona. Finally!

That's it for these guys! Yeah, not a lot happened, especially compared to the Ontarios. Next up, the Browns!

pixel_trade, sims 2, bacc, storybook

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