week 005 : submissions

Aug 23, 2010 20:00

Judging from the poll, we have at least thirty members who still want this icontest to happen, so...
Week 005, start!

General theme: Distant crops
If you enter an icon for this theme, your icon must have a distant crop, like my userpic. No headshots or close-ups are allowed for this theme.
This theme was suggested by vai_rin.

Image theme: Hagu Hanamoto and Ayu Yamada from Honey and Clover.

If you enter an icon for this theme, you may not use any other images, but the one provided above.

+ please remember that you can't use any resources or stock imagery.
+ you may submit up to three icons. If you want to submit three, they can't all be to one theme;
+ they have to be freshly made for this icontest;
+ don't use or advertise your icons anywhere before the results are posted;
+ submitting icons from multiple accounts owned by one person is forbidden;
+ all icons have to fit LJ requirements - max 100x100px and under 40kb, file formats .gif, .jpeg, or .png;
+ if you have any questions, please ask;
+ be creative and have fun!

Example submission:

Theme: (insert theme here)
Series - Character: (insert SERIES - CHARACTER(S) here)

Submit your icons by Friday, August 27th, 2010 at 9pm PDT. (convert to your timezone Go to Time zones... > PDT > Vancouver).
(will be extended if there aren't at least five participants, but I have a feeling that won't be necessary!)

Suggest a theme? Go here! Want to become an affiliate? Go here!

submissions, week 005

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