[Eng Fic] - [Ninkyo Helper] To sleep perchance to dream

May 14, 2012 02:13

Titolo: To sleep perchance to dream
Fandom: Hey!Say!Jump
Pairing: Izumi Reiji x Takayama Mikiya
Rating: PG13
Avvertenze: Slash
Disclaimer: I personaggi non sono miei, tutti i diritti riservati e i fatti narrati sono frutto della mia fantasia. La storia non è scritta con scopo di lucro.
Riassunto: He had tried to ignore his feelings for him, but he failed.
Note: Scritta per la diecielode con il prompt “Negatività” e per la Zodiaco!Challenge di fiumidiparole con il prompt "Angst"
WordCount: 298 fiumidiparole


« I want you. » he whispered in his ear and Izumi wanted to grip his hips and feel his hot skin under his finger and his lips.
Mikiya winked lasciviously, running his tongue along his clavicles. Izumi leaped, he grabbed his hair and bent his head, bit his throat and heard his voice while he moaned.
The younger closed him eyes, he whispering again and arching his back, calling his name.

Suddenly he leaped, looking for some air to breathe. He opened his eyes, his chest was rising and falling, quickly.
He cursed, muttering. It was only a dream.
A beautiful dream. He closed his eyes and hoped to dream again. And again. And again. The only thing he had was dreaming. To dream, never waking up. Because if he dreamt, he wouldn't have thought about R.
And if he didn't thought about him, he wouldn't suffer, because Izumi I. Didn't belong to him, because Izumi was straight and never, he said himself, never, the older would fall in love for a man.
He had tried to ignore his feelings for him, but he failed.
He had tried to ignore the desire for him, while Mikiya touched himself, thinking about his body.
He had tried to confess his feeling, hoping for a “yes.” Mikiya just wanted a “yes”, a “happy ending” just like fairy tales.
But there wasn't that happiness for him.
Reiji had refused Mikiya, brutally, and the younger felt like he was dead. He wasn't crying and bit back the tears, unsuccessfully. Reiji bit his lips, guilty.
He trying to soothe him, but Mikiya ran away.
And now, lying in the bed, the boy knew what meant to be in pain for love.
He closed his eyes. And he hoped to dream.

The End

challenge: diecielode {ideal evil}, english time!, fandom: ninkyo helper, pairing: izumi x takayama

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