Of course, if you're taking a photo of the sky, it's a little difficult not to leave the sky in the shot! But I've always found that for a landscape, 2/3 land 1/3 sky works best, or for a sea-scape taken from shore, 1/3 each way.
Of course, my photos usually don't turn out that way at all...
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Of course, if you're taking a photo of the sky, it's a little difficult not to leave the sky in the shot! But I've always found that for a landscape, 2/3 land 1/3 sky works best, or for a sea-scape taken from shore, 1/3 each way.
Of course, my photos usually don't turn out that way at all...
1/2 oz. Amaretto
1/2 oz. Baileys Cream
1/2 oz. Blue Curacao
Shake with ice and strain into a shot glass.
I don't recommend it:}
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