It's really good to see the Esoterrorist rulebook still on an upward track -- you must be made up with that. Trail's success is seriously impressive, too.
How is the remainder of the DE stuff selling going?
And I think the concept of MCB is a strong one. As people get to actually play it, we'll see if it holds up as a system--which will determine your future sales, I think.
Just ticking over. I've got until 1st April to sell the lot.
The MCB actual play we have reported has been postitive, so I think people will enjoy the game. We've had decent reviews of the pre-release, but yes, we need lots of groups to play it first.
Crap, have to see what I don't have that I want, and see if I can afford to grab it real soon now.
RE: MCB. Describing the high concept to my Exalted group (some of whom are Wild Cards fans) was positive. Can I get them to actually try it is the question. My Indiegaming group is still working through IAWA and then, hopefully, it will be time for Trail. So it would be a while before I could get them to try MCB.
Yes, I buy more RPGs than I possibly can run as a GM...
I'm glad to hear that initial sales of Mutant City Blues are so good, and I hope that sales on the game continue at such a decent clip. I really think that the concept of MCB is a brilliant one, and think the game will do even better once the word on it gets out to the masses, and the comic geeks, of course. And I wish I had written the game, of course!
Comments 6
I'm hoping the Fact Book will buck the adventure trend a little. 30% would be a slightly disappointing.
And I think the concept of MCB is a strong one. As people get to actually play it, we'll see if it holds up as a system--which will determine your future sales, I think.
The MCB actual play we have reported has been postitive, so I think people will enjoy the game. We've had decent reviews of the pre-release, but yes, we need lots of groups to play it first.
Crap, have to see what I don't have that I want, and see if I can afford to grab it real soon now.
RE: MCB. Describing the high concept to my Exalted group (some of whom are Wild Cards fans) was positive. Can I get them to actually try it is the question. My Indiegaming group is still working through IAWA and then, hopefully, it will be time for Trail. So it would be a while before I could get them to try MCB.
Yes, I buy more RPGs than I possibly can run as a GM...
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