Title: To Wizard Max Parker, c/o Archer Imports.
Fandom: Dresden Files
Character: Simon Pietrovich
Author's Notes: Written to his daughter's significant other.
Dear Wizard Parker,
This is to inform you that you have been summoned to a meeting of the Senior Council.
My wife has informed me that my daughter has finally realized that she loves you. To those of us who are older and wiser, this fact has been apparent for a short while now. This is a rather big step for her. She's been broken badly by someone before and for her to open up to you like this means that she is finally healing.
She's taking chances, living again. And at least she took less time about it than I did, Thank the Lord You are responsible for that and so for that, I thank you. Seeing her as happy as you have made her brings warmth to this old man's heart. And that if nothing else, has earned you my respect. But in the course of my fatherly duties, I have...studied you. No offense was meant, I just wanted to know more about the man that my daughter can't live without.
One day, son, you will understand this feeling. Trust me.
So I studied you, not particularly looking for anything, just trying to get a sense of the type of man you were when not around my daughter or The Family. I was not disappointed. If I could have reached into Dia's mind and created a man perfectly suited for her needs yet also with some of the qualities I require in a man, I could have done no better than you, son.
You are loyal and tough when needed and yet I have seen you be ever so soft and gentle with my daughter. You show good judgment and you do not lose your head in a crisis. You are not afraid to speak your mind when you judge that it needs to be heard.
All very admirable qualities Why we cannot have more people like you on the Senior Council, I will never know... , all good qualities in a man and a wizard. Saints, what a Hunter you would make!
All good qualities that will help you deal with my daughter. Sweetness and Light she does embody, but she also has the Gates-Pietrovich temper and my stubbornness I'm afraid. Neither one of us knows when to say when sometimes. You are not a pushover, you will not be afraid to tell her no when the situation demands it. She and I will respect you more for that.
You are perfectly suited to one another in all the ways that count. I've no doubt that she fills holes in your life that you never knew needed filling before. It is always thus with women, especially your woman. That beautiful indistinguishable quality that they have that just makes you love them even more.
So to conclude this letter, before I get even more nostalgic and ramble further about things with no meaning...I wish to say that you, Wizard Max Parker, have my blessing.
Marry her, live in sin, eventually Carolina and I would appreciate grandchildren, but you both have time for that later it matters not to me, just know that you have my blessing for whatever the two of you decide to do.
Simon Pietrovich
P.S. Hurt her, break her like she was broken before and it does not matter who you know or where you are, I WILL find you and then well...the vampires still owe me a favor or three