A sims 2 viking death squad pixel_trade: Banks Legacy 2.3

Jul 03, 2010 11:56

Oh what a week. I got half of my gums scraped out, it was something short of magical, and on Monday I get to have the other half done, oh happy day! So this is a short update!

Last time something wacky in my brain made me keep all of the biological girls in the household as if Georgianna had not be crowned heiress by the poll taking masses. Bruce continued to work on her lifetime wish of having 20 lovers (bringing the count up to 5 or 6), Georgianna began working in the political career track as she wants to be mayor of PT Mcgeeville and Dorcas was delivered of a boy named Squid with Lon (madame_ugly) as the father. Suddenly everyones fears began to come true, Bruce felt compelled to marry and procreate with Zaphod (brilliantcat), having a baby boy named Far, Georgianna feared the death of her new and much beloved boyfriend, Eli Quaqmeyer (radiationpoison) and it happened, she was then gripped by the fear of his returning in zombie form, which also came to pass. Eli was excessively attracted to both Bruce and Eglantine (our founder by simpurity), and in a fit of three-bolt madness, he flirted with the latter. Eglantine's husband, Bilbo (katu_sims) was devastated and almost everyone in the house came to hate Eli and were furious with Eglantine, except, luckily, Georgianna, who was at the moment asleep. Shortly thereafter Georgianna had a baby girl, unaware of the father's attempted infidelity, named Maggie. When we left off the household had grown to 10 people and a kitty named Bourbon and yet I still could not make myself move anyone out.

I promise, despite appearances, Zaphod did not drop Far on the floor as he passed out from exhaustion.

I've never seen that message before! It's hilarious in that no one had to move out, oh lot full of sims hack, <3. You enable me.

Since I usually move a sim in before the marriage takes place, those marrying into my legacies rarely get the "married rich" memory. In fact Lon might be the very first one ever!

That'd better be Bilbo under there, Eglantine!

Oh good. Well, he may not have forgiven her for being receptive to Eli's flirtations, but he's not kicking her out of bed.

11 sims is a bit hectic. I spent a lot of time just going from sim to sim and making sure they weren't about to die.

I took out my nostrayrespawn because I never got around to populating the pet adoption pool with pixel_trade petlings and I wanted to see some new furry faces. I can't remember this kittys name, but she was pretty freaking awesome.

Dorcas left to her own devices will primp instead of eat.

What the what!? Why are you guys TRYING FOR BABY? Remember the aspirational failure last time?

Dorcas and Lon also autonomously tried for baby, but YAY neither couple emitted jingles!

Jinnee (chitina_sims) came home with someone, and Eli immediately took a stalking to her.

Unfortunately the fear went unfulfilled because I couldn't even get the option. Also, Jinnee is giving me the "don't you dare!" look. Not that that stops me.

She is completely repelled by zombies.

Wait? Huh?

Well. I somehow missed that completely. I'm sorry you didn't like your wife enough to leave her anything, Bilbo. :(

I think Eglantine is sorry too. :(

Squid's (son of Lon & Dorcas) birthday is marred by grief.

Everyone overcame their emotion to cheer for him, though.

I've been talking with eleme/yarnsim a bit about outdoor living areas to combat that dreaded locked out of the house mini challenge (SNEAKY) we traded some links and I downloaded some stuff. Some of it didn't make it into the game somehow (may have missed a mesh or something, hrm.) but I spent a long time making a lovely sort of gypsy oasis, which I have to say, I'm pretty pleased with.

There are also some useful things on large patio area.

It's less beautiful and more jarring from afar, though. It's hard to insert grassy areas into a desert.

Bruce gets to enjoy many fulfilled diaper changing fears for the household.

Zaphod was demoted, which is nice because the chance card I failed said he was fired. Phew.

Oh, Lon! Dude. So close and yet so far. Not to mention impaled by a door.

Lon gets his revenge later by christening the hot tub with Dorcas and a Try for Baby.

She looks smug because yeah, there were jingles. Oh well, we have a spot to fill since Bilbo's death, I guess.

At some point a heated enmity developed between Bruce and Lon.

Far had a cake earlier that didn't take, as in general, birthdays are getting a little borkish (probably due to the huge household number, or something.)

In any case, he's quite a delight. Far Banks, son of Bruce and Zaphod.

Aida dropped by for a visit!

Uninvited guests to Maggie's birthday celebration. :(

Poor Aida probably wishes she's dropped in more often.

This led to floaty Maggie as Georgianna dropped her to weep.

Goodbye Eglantine, safe trip, you were a gem of a founder, and thanks simpurity for the use of her.

Dorcas was evidently her favorite.

Zaphod came home from work in his llama suit and collapsed near the overturned trash bin. He's living the life.

Maggie (daughter of Georgianna and Eli) looks like someone with a birthday marred by death.

Squid is the most squishable! Even when impaling his face with a fork.

Even Bourbon was getting tired of grilled cheese sandwiches and welcomes pancakes into the fold.

You're so sneaky, Dorcas.

Maggie takes on a melancholic toddlerhood in a stoic manner.

Bruce's hate for Lon is mysterious. Though I omitted a couple of fights between Dorcas and Eli because they're rampant.

For some reason this fury without discernible reason is more fascinating to me. Aida has, by the way, been around for 3 days enjoying the hot tub and crying about Eglantine.

Lon evidently did not appreciate her cheering for Bruce.

I'm worried too, Georgianna. Though the family has survived a week of fear fulfillment, and everyone is now squarely in the red or flatlined, what does the future hold when your toddling daughter is passed out on a bitter desert night?

In addition to those named above, there is a sim cameo by chitina_sims courtesy of pixel_trade.

banks legacy, pixel_trade legacy, sims 2, viking death squad legacy

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