Update on the shower door: Upon inspection, it turns out the non-broken side won't slide and looks kind of warped. I'm leaving that alone. The things that attached the broken door to the track look bent and like they're hitting the metal lip of the track. Suposedly someone's coming today, but I'll believe that when I see it.
...our shower door just exploded. Matt opened the glass door without hitting it or anyting, and it completely shattered. The largest piece of glass is about three inches, and most of them are tiny little pieces. It didn't fall then break, it just shattered. ...yeah. Bizarre.
Last night may have been enough to put me in a better mood for the rest of the semester. It was so good. You can't not be incredibly happy at a Tilly show
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[Go to Wikipedia and look up your birthday (excluding the year). List three neat facts, two births and one death in your journal, including the year
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