I am sick of the restoration. I don't enjoy reading plays in which "doubt" means "suspect", and it's okay to refer to a horse as a "cat". That makes no sense, dead English people. Also, I just e-mailed my theatre history professor an e-mail that said something like "You wrote on my abstract that I need more recent books, but the library's books
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Comments 3
hahahahahaha...damn it, kate. you crack me up. i'm sorry you have stuff due on your birthday...i have things due on your birthday too! :/ look at it this way though...at least that means you'll be done with everything when class is over that day, and you and i shall be free to get our drink on. ;)
we don't have to get drunk, but you and i should get SOME kind of girly drink that doesn't taste like alcohol. like strawberry daquiris.
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