This entry is for SimStoCreMo sign-ups ONLY. Comment with any questions in the rules post, found
If you want to participate, comment to this post with your user name and the specific goal you have for the month of March. You may change your goal at any time up until February 29th.
See you in March!
Comments 19
My gole is to write a short sims story. Maybe only 4 or 5 chapters. Minimum 3.
My goal is to write 50-80 slides for the next Imprismed update. Most of the pictures have been taken, just need the commentary.
If I get that finished, goal #2 is to start a BACC and post introductions.
Goal: At least 1 chapter of Geogacy.
Primary goals:
- Film Robert's Ink chapter
- Write & film Marian & Isabella's Ink chapter
If the above two are somehow miraculously finished by March 15, then this goal will apply:
- Completely outline Chapter 5.5
(Edited because derp... I got ahead of myself. XD)
Goals, subject to editing:
+ Film & publish Chapter 18.
+ Write Chapter 19.
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