The Regenboog Legacy, 2.3

Jul 15, 2008 19:01

WARNING: May contain nudity, language and sexual situations.

1.0| 1.1| 1.2| 1.3
2.0| 2.1| 2.2

Turns out Wolf wasn't expecting any babies, but Orangcia was.

And while FG was in a state of panic due to blue flashing stuff after installing Ikea Stuffs Pack? A new baby is born.

And Dakota, being pretty much the same slut as Mom Lilac, gave birth to Queeny.

In all the commotion we lost sight of the other brat too it seems. Hello? Toddler on the street!

Babies = boring, so this time Ivy got to toss it away. This is what we got in return. His name is Bull, by the way. With a dad named Wolf, you have to keep it animalistic. And Red Bull does give one wings.

It is time for Ivy to move to the college bin however.

Bye bye, Ivy! See you when Bull and Casis are going to uni... and you will all magically have the same age. ::Shifty eyes::

Bull lurves Queeny. Casis loves painting.

Awwww, first thing he does when he comes home from work.

And teaching Casis the technique du blocks.

You people have trouble getting these kids to bed on time y/y?

Shirley is a great grandma anyway.

She taught Bull how to talk Bull.

Wesley taught him how to walk. In the petcemetery. :-/

Happy sing-along with Grandma Shirley and Ghost!Dee!

Ghost Tux! A rare sighting indeed.

All together now... D'Awwwwww.....

Casis sneakily grew up into a kid. Kjute!

And so did Bull. Shit you guys, you're not making the heir choosing easy.

Such peaceful, co-existing, innocent looking little brats. Looks can be so deceiving eh?

Oh stop it you two fakers.

Looks like Wolf was busy tinkering again.

Orangcia went shopping because even Sims need to eat. Provided you don't use cheats, that is. Which I totally don't do. Nope.

Shirley loves playing games with the grandkids. Dakota obviously wanted to be a Gamer!Catz.

"A trout *this* big! I swear!" Wes, you never even went fishing, dude.

Bull doesn't come running to great his Mommy when she comes home from work. He runs to dance with her. Dork.

Casis pretty much fails at school. But so does Bull so it's a tie.

Bull maxed some hobby thingy and got the genie in a bottle lamp. He wished for a long life, cheating death and making him pretty. Uh huh. You are, so gay, my little man.

Oh my dear Casis. You totally inherited that cheating from Orangcia.

Awwww, still so in love. Take a good look at this people.

Shirley and Wes make excellent baby sitters, while getting burned to a crisp in the sun.

Funny Glitch! That's what you get for cheating, Casis.

Awwww, this is just the total cuteness.

Heeeey! Looks who's here! It's grown up Sinas. Looking good, Sinas.

Shirley is happy to see her son.

"Dude, you're wearing my sweater."

Organcia as well. Though, she looks a bit apprehensive. Afraid of revenge cause Sinas didn't make the heircut?

Being retired is kinda boring so Wes tried out a new hobby. Modeltrains!

Adding a lake, a mountain, trees, buildings, signs, cars....

Adn then watching the train go round and round and round and....

Maybe pottery works better? Shirley seemed to love it.

Oh shit no. You again?

Lilac isn't old enough! You show em Shirley!

Whoa, whoa. Wait up... What?

Hoola girls? What?


He cometh to take Shirley away! Noooo!

Wesley is heartbroken, crushed, devastated. Crying all the time.

He put her urn under her picture in the TombRoom.

Poor, Poor Wes.

::Sob:: Goodbye, Shirley. You were a great founder. ::Moment of Sim!Silence::

After Shirley died, Orangcia did her best to keep her dad from getting depressed with some family gardening.

Wolf tried to distract Wes with games of darts.

Before he got distracted by a computer game.

Very helpful, Wolf.

I swear, Casis has the same facial expressions as Wes.

When he's not taking a nap that is.

Casis was so sad seeing Grampa Wesley cry all the time, she gave him gift. Awwww... two apples and a lemon.

Wesley needed a distraction so the took the kids to a Kids Fun Playground.

Looks like Bull is having fun.

It all started out so well.

But then Bull lost a game of Sim!Bingo.

Sore looser, Bull my little man.


Casis beats the crap out of Bull. Wes was pissed and yanked them home by their Sim!Elf!Ears.

No sooner were they home or....

This time Bull is the winner! They're evenly matches those two.

Casis is totally a sore looser.

She does this all on her own. Awwww... go back to your damn homework!

Looks like she did, cause she scores at school. Bull is pretty much still made of fail there.

Playing games while he still has homework to do. No wonder he fails at school!

Casis grew up into a teenager. Neat outfit there, Casis.

Bull grew up too, and is pretty much still a planitairy geek.

Bull close up! You're on drugs aren't you?

Just a really pretty picture.

Casis follows her grandpa's shoes. Ballet shoes. he's so proud.

Score at school! Good going, Bull, only took your entire childhood. I fear the day you go to college.

He finally gets good scores at school and as a thank you Shirley's ghost scares the crap out of him.

That really wasn't nice, Shirley.

Queeny grew up! Looks like the return of the anceterial Panda!Cat She reminds me of Dee.

.... Could this be Queeny's dad?

Wes burst into tears everytime he saw Shirley's yellow car.

So I sold it and go him a fixer upper. He wants to paint it red and give it to the grandkids.

The motor seems to be giving him a bit of trouble though.

Wolf? I-- don't see this ending well.

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