Beware! Now entering Week Two of SimStoCreMo!
I should probably start this off with the understanding that I’m the ‘long time NaNoWriMo participant’. I am also just a beginning Sims player, so this isn’t going to impart any amazing or mind-blowing Sims secrets. Sorry! Wait for the others for that potential.
So, we’re about a week into the challenge and I sincerely hope that all of you are a heck of a lot further along than I am! I’ll admit up front that I haven’t started. There are a lot of reasons for this and none of them are legitimately good. However! If you are behind where you want to be, or haven’t started, don’t panic yet! There is still time.
I’ve done NaNo for seven years and won five of those years. If there’s one thing I’ve learned is that, yes, pacing yourself and working away at a steady rate is no doubt the best way to tackle something like this. But packing it all in at the last minute does, on occasion, actually pull off results.
Look, I’m not suggesting it, I’m merely attempting to be realistic. What I am saying is, whatever you do, do not quit! We are just shy of a week in - there are still 22 whole days in which to accomplish something wonderful!
Don’t let yourself get hung up either. Let’s say a specific scene or picture just isn’t doing it for you. The solution: Skip it! I hereby give you permission to attack this project in any way you possible want. Did you get that? Permission to do it any old way that you want!
I know, from frequently talking to and listening to Simmers, that there are often a lot of things involved in a typical update (including but not limited to): playing, filming, procrastinating, plotting, writing (often more than one draft), setting it up in Slideshare/Scribd/LJ/etc., posting. Of course, some of those things need to be done in a certain order - but that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of room to fudge around.
Back to our example - you’re stuck on filming a certain scene. So take a breather. Go write for a while or just play a bit, as Marina talked about in her pep talk. Set some words into slides for pictures for later or vice versa.
Focus on production! On continually moving forward! You can still keep from getting bogged down and still create the same level of product you always have.
Forward momentum is the key.
That and having fun while doing it!
Keep up the assuredly awesome progress, everyone! Best of luck!
Off to boot up my own game,